
Another Valentine's Day has come, &

Another Valentine's Day has come, & once again Pennywise the Clown has not assented to be my :blobfoxpleading:

It's probably for the best. He's so wrapped up in his job, & I would never move to Maine... :blobfoxsad:

Moving to Windows 11 is so easy! You just need to buy a PC that supports it!

New Start Menu is a 'game changer' claims relentlessly cheerful vid Microsoft is again releasing a video to entice more Windows 10 users to make the leap to the brave new world of Windows 11, with market share figures indicating the majority of customers are still reluctant to do so.

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::loading::loading::fediverse:

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::loading::loading::fediverse:

US Air Force's new cyber, IT skill recruitment plan: Bring back warrant officer ranks

Officer pay, limited command duties and writing 'code for your country' Skilled IT professionals considering a career change have a new option, as the US Air Force is reintroducing warrant officer ranks exclusively "within the cyber and information technology professions." 


Hacker News: Bumblebee Malware Returns with New Tricks, Targeting U.S. Businesses

The Register: Prudential Financial finds cybercrims lurking inside its IT systems

So the clients computer ended up not being the power supply. The psu fan was working just fine.

I did open the computer up to find dust caked everywhere though. The poor CPU fan barely looked like it was getting any air to the CPU. So I blew the crap out of the computer and cleaned it up.

Appears to not be shutting down and working for now. Well see for now.

Prudential Financial finds cybercrims lurking inside its IT systems

Some company admin and customers data exposed, but bad guys were there for 'only' a day Prudential Financial, the second largest life insurance company in the US and eight largest worldwide, is dealing with a digital break-in that exposed some internal company and customer records to a criminal group.

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will be a and then... I can have another and

Waymo services driverless car software after Phoenix truck collision

Alphabet owned autonomous vehicle biz files voluntary recall report saying it tweaked wares via over-the-air update Self-driving car company Waymo a subsidiary of Google-owner Alphabet has voluntarily filed a recall report after one of its vehicles collided with a truck in Pheonix.

Hacker News: Microsoft, OpenAI Warn of Nation-State Hackers Weaponizing AI for Cyberattacks



's with ...

:fediverse::fediverse: :loading::loading:

Accidentally Describes Ponzi Scheme

The Register: Romanian hospital ransomware crisis attributed to third-party breach

Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlsselung (E2EE) durch Urteil EU-weit geschtzt

Mal eine positive Nachricht was die und angeht. Die ist geschtzt und eingesehen das wichtig ist. Jetzt mssen nur noch die Firmen und Behrden die ihrer , wie zB mit , noch konsequent umsetzen. Ich hoffe, die zieht dem nach.

Romanian hospital ransomware crisis attributed to third-party breach

Emergency impacting more than 100 facilities appears to be caused by incident at software provider The Romanian national cybersecurity agency (DNSC) has pinned the outbreak of ransomware cases across the country's hospitals to an incident at a service provider.

No wanie... Czy si da
Tak wiem, to bait

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::fediverse:

Really difficult support call today with a PowerBI developer.

Based on the details in the ticket, it seemed pretty clear that the connection(s) used by the PBI report were using the wrong credentials.

I tried repeatedly to explain this via Slack. But it just wouldn't sink in. They insisted on a virtual meeting. So I gave in.

I listened to them speculate wildly and gripe and complain about how no one will help them.

And in the end, the problem was what I suspected all along.

I want a programming language called "Pedro Pascal," and I want it in 1985...


, .
- , , , .

ASML sees semiconductor upturn ahead, but China export restrictions are a risk

World's only EUV photolithography maker finished 2023 with order backlog worth 39B Even as the chip industry lifts itself out of the current deep downcycle, ASML is worried geopolitical developments outside its control could still have an unforeseen impact on business.

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When I'm not using , I prefer ...

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Hacker News: Ubuntu 'command-not-found' Tool Could Trick Users into Installing Rogue Packages

The Register: Roses are red, violets are blue, Opera GX gives Valentine's a gray, rainy hue

Roses are red, violets are blue, Opera GX gives Valentine's a gray, rainy hue

HeartBlocker extension aimed at the 'forever alone' crowd Opera is rolling out an extension to the gamer version of its eponymous browser aimed at users who would rather not be reminded of the significance of February 14.

Southern Water cyberattack expected to hit hundreds of thousands of customers

The company also curiously disappears from Black Basta leak site UK utilities giant Southern Water admits between 5 and 10 percent of its customers have had their data stolen during a January cyberattack.

... I've had some from one of regarding the ...

And, :

"Just to say wow re the graphic designs I did not know they were yours.
Quite amazing. Now you need a story to build your art around."

As much as I'm I ...

's ... I like ...



And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

's ... I like ...



Hacker News: Cybersecurity Tactics FinServ Institutions Can Bank On in 2024

The Register: Dumping us into ad tier of Prime Video when we paid for ad-free is 'unfair' lawsuit

Dumping us into ad tier of Prime Video when we paid for ad-free is 'unfair' lawsuit

Who could possibly have predicted this backlash When Netflix launched its ad-supported tier in November 2022, it tried to tempt viewers in with discounted rates, hoping to win new consumers and sell their eyeballs to ad-slingers. But Amazon Prime, well, it went a different route.

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Einfach ungefragt irgendwelche Technik bei den Schulen abladen und sich dann wundern, dass es keiner nutzt. Wer htte es gedacht.

Sinnvoller wre es vielleicht, in einer AG Schler der Oberstufe auszubilden, die solche Aufgaben auch administrativ betreuen knnen. Dann knnte man auch mit offener Software eine passende Lsung an der Schule realisieren, statt an einer Black Box Knpfchen zu drcken.

Bumblebee malware wakes from hibernation, forgets what year it is, attacks with macros

Trying to break in with malicious Word documents How very 2015 of you The Bumblebee malware loader seemingly vanished from the internet last October, but it's back and - oddly - relying on a vintage vector to try and gain access.

NASA solar sail tech is ready now who's up to use it in a mission

Ready for cruising: successful deployment leaves the ball in the scientists' court NASA says its latest take on solar sail technology is ready for proposals for it to be flown on science missions.


Hacker News: Microsoft Rolls Out Patches for 73 Flaws, Including 2 Windows Zero-Days

The Register: Meta says risk of account theft after phone number recycling isn't its problem to solve
