
Analyse: Was iPhone 15 (Pro) und

Analyse: Was iPhone 15 (Pro) und Apple Watch 2023 bringen Mac & i-Podcast

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AI4Schools: Bundesbildungsministerin will KI-Kompetenz in der Schule strken

Salesforce stellt nach Entlassungswelle wieder 3300 Leute ein

Anzeige: Der grne Supercomputer: Wie nachhaltiges High-Performance Computing gelingt

heise-Angebot: heise Security Webinar: Security mit System - auch fr KMUs

Militr-Hololens bekommt eine zweite Chance

The Register: Multi-cloud Infrastructure consolidation

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: Das Quiz zu 20 Jahre Steam

Blu-ray PlayStation .

Xiaomi Mijia Smart Electric Kettle 5

Insanet Rivela Sherlock: Il Software di Sorveglianza che Sfrutta gli Annunci Online

La israeliana Insanet ha creato un prodotto commerciale chiamato che, secondo unindagine di , pu infettare i attraverso la per tracciare gli utenti e raccogliere .

The Register: Gandalf chatbot security game counters privacy fireballs

Tech/IT workers might want to listen up and take notice.

Your window for organizing and then bargaining for job security isn't going to be open for long.

Tech Fears Are Showing Up on Picket Lines - The New York Times

Utilizzando un deepfake vocale di un dipendente 27 aziende sono state violate partendo da un SMS di smishing

Il mese scorso Retool, unazienda specializzata nello sviluppo di aziendali per i clienti, stata vittima di un . 27 clienti cloud dellazienda sono rimasti vittime dellhacking.

Modellierung: Deutsche Geothermie knnte groe Lithium-Quelle werden

The Register: HP reveals bonkers $5k foldable tablet/laptop/desktop

Hamburg hebt Diesel-Fahrverbot auf

The Register: Meet Honda's latest electric vehicle: A rideable suitcase

What is the phenomenon called where a vast amount of investment, time, tallent, hard work and commitment by all concerned nevertheles leads to no-one being satisfied with the result and everyone thinking we need to start again at square 1

The Register: Techie labelled 'disgusting filth merchant' by disgusting hypocrite

Apple iPhone 15 Pro

Quando la videosorveglianza ad uso personale. E il GDPR non si applica.

Non dovrebbe sorprendere che anche la , come tutte le attivit di svolte sui , non rientra sempre e comunque nellambito di della normativa in materia di dei personali.

Multa di 345 milioni di euro a TikTok da parte della commissione irlandese per la protezione dei dati

La per la protezione dei () ha multato da 345 milioni di euro (368 milioni di dollari) per aver violato la dei di et compresa tra 13 e 17 anni durante il trattamento dei loro .

Come le formiche, i robot Formic possono sollevare assieme carichi pesanti unendo le loro forze

Lultimo per il trasporto di pu essere unalternativa ai tradizionali carrelli elevatori. Quando questi ultimi diventano inefficienti in spazi ristretti o non sono in grado di sollevare grandi carichi, il Sistema Robotico Modulare arriva in .

Hacker News: North Korea's Lazarus Group Suspected in $31 Million CoinEx Heist

The Register: Greater Manchester Police ransomware attack another classic demo of supply chain challenges


wollte gerade samsung notes auch auf dem laptop installieren, am PC im bro geht das fein.


irgendwer von den IT auskennern hier eine idee / workaround

scheinbar erst seit kurzem so

17.09.1991: Linus Torvalds verffentlicht die erste Version von :tux: (Version 0.01) auf einem ffentlichen FTP-Server und schafft damit die Grundlage zur weltweiten Entwicklung dieses neuen s.

Unity rennt mit neuem Bezahlmodell in den Shitstorm

Healthcare establishments are the target of numerous attacks on their information systems. These attacks can paralyze them in whole or in part, and can result in the leakage of sensitive data. Aware of this , the public authorities have committed substantial resources to various programs aimed at reinforcing the security of healthcare establishments and better preparing them for situations.

, ' '


The Register: Unity closes offices, cancels town hall after threat in wake of runtime fee restructure

There are plenty of ways society dings you for being one of us.

You will lose prestige and some friends, even in the fairly open minded .

The quest may not pan out. We had a recently laid off engineer bow out because the socioeconomic distance was too great for him.

But heck, how do you think the US gets hold of at least 50% of its workforce

Not the 50% who make it into the news because of scandals or incompetence, .

The Register: GitHub alienates developers by force feeding them AI recommendations


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