
An die Bubble. Brauche ein neues

An die Bubble. Brauche ein neues Smartphone

Pixel 7a
Pixel 8
Fairphone 5

Welches wrdet ihr empfehlen

-Praxis Dr. Bauer: CAPTCHA & Kilian

The Register: Now AWS gets a ChatGPT-style Copilot: Amazon Q to be your cloud chat assistant

The Register: What are you feeding your AI


Stripping e Deepfake: il male dellintelligenza artificiale sta creando danni sociali e psicologici enormi

Recentemente, sempre pi utenti hanno fatto ricorso ad e siti Web che sfruttano lintelligenza per creare false immagini di nude. 

Come mostrano i , questi consentono di caricare una di una persona vestita, dopo di che l artificiale genera una sua immagine nuda.

The Register: Japan's Rohm, Toshiba grab $900M in subsidies to boost power semi production

Japan's Rohm, Toshiba grab $900M in subsidies to boost power semi production

Silicon carbide production for EVs among key targets Silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors are getting a lot of attention of late and Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry doesn't want to be left out.

The Register: Messed up metadata could be to blame for Microsoft's Windows printer woes

The Register: NASA pushes back timing of ISS deorbit vehicle contract

NASA pushes back timing of ISS deorbit vehicle contract

Proposals now due in 2024 for a launch 5 years later NASA has tweaked the contract and shuffled the dates for its procurement notice covering a vehicle to deorbit the International Space Station (ISS.)

Truffa Milionaria: La Zecca dello Stato ha inviato in Ungheria 3 milioni di Euro in una truffa BEC!

The Register: That call center tech scammer could be a human trafficking victim

ne du, an das hatte auch niemand wirklich gedacht oder doch gewnscht Leider ist in der EU & ein bereinkommen, immer ein beidseitiger und deswegen eine halbgare Entscheidung:

"Halbgar" -Verordnung ffnet Hintertren fr Massenberwachung:
-Kommissionschefin von der Leyen feiert die Einigung auf den " Act" als historisch. , Verbraucherschtzer und die -Branche sehen es anders.

ffentlicher Dienst: uns fehlen kompetente Leute und die IT stagniert... Was sollen wir tun
Scheinbar Lsung des D... Den momentan einzigen Menschen in der IT vergraulen...
Long Story short: ich habe meinen Lebenslauf aktualisiert und suche gerade n neuen Job in Berlin )
#IT #OeffentlicherDienst #Jobsuche

A lady's imaginrepostation !is .ver#testing<y r$apid -jum,ps from admi(rat%ion+ to lo've,> fr10o

: ,

I got my new site setup, I haven't like. started using it fully yet, but I can make changes and write things up on the go with my phone even. It's really simple and is integrated into my notes app, Obsidian

I'm excited to finally start having an active/updated website again lol

After years of using Aomei Partition Assistant Free, I finally caved and bought a lifetime license. It's just too damn good of a program, and saves me so much time when I break things lol

The Register: Datacenters feeling the heat to turn hot air into cool solutions

The Register: Uncle Sam plows $42M into nurturing fusion breakthrough

Gods, I miss the days when I had the energy and the ability to fdisk and format and reinstall Windows when it started misbehaving...

The Register: Thirty-nine weeks: That's how long you'll be waiting for an AI server from Dell

7,5 -


Mein Name ist Nobody Il mio nome Nessuno (DE / IT / FR 1974) 1028

The Register: Open source forkers stick an OpenBao in the oven

A question for anyone who happens to use Dreamhost Objects: Is it also down for you, or cannot access via S3

The Register: AMD thinks it can solve the power/heat problem with chiplets and code

Sono stati creati nanorobot in grado di riprodursi. La singolarit tecnologica a un passo


. , 22 (, , , ), . , . , , .

#Average #mastodon #user #is #forced #at #gunpoint #to #make #every #other #word #a #hashtag #for #literally #no #reason. #it's #not #twitter, #and #it's #stupid

Hacker News: SLAM Attack: New Spectre-based Vulnerability Impacts Intel, AMD, and Arm CPUs

The Register: Competing Section 702 surveillance bills on collision path for US House floor

Un actionnaire luxembourgeois, des donnes chez Amazon lappli pas franchement made in France.

A shortlist of the biggest headlines, recommended stories, and a special collection of news items you should check out.

The Register: Hollywood plays unwitting Cameo in Kremlin plot to discredit Zelensky

Senza acqua. Un distretto irlandese rimasto a secco per colpa di un attacco informatico. Lobiettivo sono i PLC dellisraeliana Unitronics


Hollywood plays unwitting Cameo in Kremlin plot to discredit Zelensky

Microsoft spots surge in pro-Russia exploits of video platform to spread propaganda An unknown pro-Russia influence group spent time recruiting unwitting Hollywood actors to assist in smear campaigns against Ukraine and its president Volodymyr Zelensky.

Hacker News: New Report: Unveiling the Threat of Malicious Browser Extensions a class='story-link' href=''

The Register: To be, or not to be, in the office. Has returning to work stalled

mona lisa portrait