
Allarme Sicurezza: Una Vulnerabilit critica su

Allarme Sicurezza: Una Vulnerabilit critica su XenCenter di Citrix mette a rischio i sistemi

Una nuova stata scoperta nelle versioni di per 8.2 CU1 LTSR che potrebbe mettere a rischio la sicurezza dei .

Hmm. I never did have to ferret out this method of running cable!!!

Apple broke the law with anti-union tactics in NYC, labor watchdog barks

Interrogations, confiscating flyers, and prohibiting literature is no bueno, board says in final decision of 2022 case Apple tried to protest, but the complaints fell on deaf ears as the US National Labor Relations Board has finally decided the tech giant violated labor laws by interfering with union organizing

Get a first taste of what will probably become the next level 3D maps / street view, using Gaussian Splatting to map environments in 3D.

In this demo, the detail level gets crude when zooming in, but that will become refined.

Use mouse-buttons to zoom, pan or rotate

FYI... Renewable energy sources behind 30% of the world's electricity in 2023

It ain't all sunshine and windmills and guess who's in the lead China Thirty percent of the world's electricity in 2023 was generated by renewable energy sources, according to a think tank.

The Register: America's War on Drugs and Crime will be AI powered, says Homeland Security boss

User: "What are your thoughts on Microsoft Edge"

Me: "It's Google Chrome wearing one of those rubber Richard Nixon masks."

User: "..."

As some of you have already noticed, I recently started my Master's degree in & . I've been thinking about how to combine this with my passion for so here's the deal: I'll try to publish all my written exam papers here:

Transport watchdog's patience wears thin as Tesla Autopilot remedies may not be enough

Crashes continue even with recall fixes in place The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has written to Tesla as the company's electric cars keep crashing despite a recall to fix problems with the Autopilot software.

In fnf Jahren werden wir keine keine menschlichen mehr brauchen das wird dann die erledigen. Diese Aussage hat zwar etwas Unruhe in der -Branche ausgelst, Experten sehen darin aber keine Bedrohung fr vielmehr eine Werbebotschaft der -Industrie.


CISA boss: Secure code is the 'only way to make ransomware a shocking anomaly'

And it would seriously inconvenience the Chinese and Russians, too RSAC  There's a way to vastly reduce the scale and scope of ransomware attacks plaguing critical infrastructure, according to CISA director Jen Easterly: Make software secure by design.

iVentoy Un serveur PXE lger pour dployer Windows, Linux et VMware ESXi par le rseau Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons utiliser le serveur PXE iVentoy pour dployer Windows 11, Debian, Ubuntu, ou encore VMware ESXi par le rseau. Simple et pratique.
The post iVentoy Un serveur PXE lger pour dployer Windows, Linux et VMware ESXi par le rseau first appeared on IT-Connect.

NASA's planet hunter shakes off reaction wheel woes and gets back to work

No more stress for TESS NASA has confirmed that the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has recovered from a reaction wheel problem and resumed making observations.

Auerdem erfahren Interessierte, wie man barrierefreie PDFs erstellt, das eigene Handy blind bedient, barrierefreie Webseiten erstellt und erfolgreich die Barrierefreiheit in der eigenen Organisation verbessert.

Hacker News: New Spectre-Style 'Pathfinder' Attack Targets Intel CPU, Leak Encryption Keys and Data

The Register: Dell to color-code staff based on how hybrid they really are in RTO push

to the young graphic designers/artists that do home print media. My word of advice... DONT USE THE BAKED IN PRINT OVER NET FEATURE.
Get a cheap thin client from a thrift or e-cycler, dump windows 7 or linux on it and set up print server.
It will save you a billion years of troubleshooting and wanting to throw your expensive printer out the window.
Wishing you the best. An artist who hasnt had a printer issue since 2016!

Das Melden einer kann in fr den Entdecker schnell gefhrlich werden. Das musste auch ein -Student erfahren, der statt Dank eine erhielt.

GitHubApp, webhook,... Vou passar um caf.

iFixit hails replaceable LPCAMM2 laptop memory as a 'big deal'

So long SODIMM Only in new Thinkpad so far, but memory format may well spread across market LPCAMM2 memory is getting the thumbs up from the team at iFixit, which hailed it as a return to the upgradeable laptop and reckons the writing is on the wall for models with soldered-down, non-serviceable memory.

One year on, universities org admits MOVEit attack hit data of 800k people

Nearly 95M people in total snagged by flaw in file transfer tool Just short of a year after the initial incident, the state of Georgia's higher education government agency has confirmed that it was the victim of an attack on its systems affecting the data of 800,000 people.

Werden Sie als Payroll-Spezialist in der Anwendungsentwicklung Teil der Komm.ONE in , , oder .

Exchange Server SE set to debut just before 2019 version breathes its last

Administrators, start your engines Microsoft has finally broken its silence on the fate of on-premises Exchange, and administrators will need to move quickly to keep their servers supported.

Kiedys bylo "kazdy moze byc programista i zarabiac 15k miesiecznie"

Dzisiaj "kazdy moze byc prompt engineerem" xD Ciekawe kiedy to ebnie )


Hacker News: Hijack Loader Malware Employs Process Hollowing, UAC Bypass in Latest Version

The Register: Amazon and Epson accuse a bunch of traders of selling knockoff print ink

Suo figlio con me. Paghi se vuole rivederlo!. Le tattiche di estorsione si evolvono verso nuove dimensioni

Durante la sessione di Security Threat , tenutasi nellambito della conferenza a San Francisco, sono venuti a conoscenza di nuovi molto allarmanti di che i utilizzano nei loro attacchi di .

Amazon and Epson accuse a bunch of traders of selling knockoff print ink

Multiple Marketplace accounts sold fake bottles, cartridges for 2 years+, claim companies Amazon and printer manufacturer Seiko Epson have filed a joint action against firms in Turkey and the UK which they claim sold counterfeit printer bottles and cartridges on the global online retailer's platform.

Security teams must embrace the attacker's perspective to ensure their organization's cybersecurity defenses are adequate.

Tesla devotee tests Cybertruck safety with his own finger and fails

Faith in frunk flunks We know that Tesla Cybertruck owners are very special, and their mothers love them very much, but perhaps the most special of all is the one who "broke" his finger attempting to demonstrate the safety of the "frunk" closing mechanism.

La Russia colpita da LockBit Black! La Cyber Gang MorLock colpisce e genera scandalo

In , cera una regola non scritta riguardo al che rifletteva una comune: si poteva agire al di fuori dei confini della , ma non allinterno.

Google Cloud misconfiguration takes down Australian fund for a week

That pesky 'previously unknown software bug' strikes again Australian superannuation fund UniSuper is lumbering back to life after an "unprecedented occurrence" at Google Cloud knocked its systems offline.

UK opens investigation of MoD payroll contractor after confirming attack

China vehemently denies involvement UK Government has confirmed a cyberattack on the payroll system used by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) led to "malign" forces accessing data on current and a limited number of former armed forces personnel.

Hacker News: The Fundamentals of Cloud Security Stress Testing

The Register: US commerce department yanks back Huawei export licenses

US commerce department yanks back Huawei export licenses

Intel and Qualcomm reportedly among those cut off The US Commerce Department has revoked some of the licenses held by tech companies to supply Chinese megacorp Huawei.

Bedrijven vechten terug tegen ransomware-aanvallen -aanvallen rapport -beveiliging ransomware

Intel's quantum leap in wafer-wide cryo-testing sets cool new standard

Approach could help make forever upcoming tech more reliable Intel says it has made two advancements towards realizing silicon-based quantum processors which involves optimizing a standard fabrication process and developing a means to test the quality of resulting individual devices across a full 300mm wafer.

Sorveglianza o funzionalit di Telegram CCTV il Nuovo strumento che rintraccia gli utenti in tempo reale

Lo strumento lanciato consente di determinare la posizione degli utenti di che utilizzano la funzione Persone nelle vicinanze.Si tratta dello strumento chiamato Close-Circuit Telegram Vision (), il quale utilizza questa per cercare utenti a livello globale.

The Register: A tale of two Chinas: Our tech governance isn't perfect, but we still get to say no
