
All becomes clear when one looks

All becomes clear when one looks under the aforementioned table. The floor-box placement in meeting and training rooms often far from optimal, like it was an afterthought.

I love Microsoft

Interesting phrasing and use of capitalisation.

's ...

And, we're ...

:wolfparty: :fediverse::PirateBadge::PirateBadge::fediverse:

Looks like paywalls are coming soon to a subreddit near you

What do Redditors think Well, it wouldn't be Reddit if they were happy Redditors love a topic to gripe about, and this week the focus will likely be on CEO Steve Huffman's claim that paywalled content is coming to the so-called Front Page of the Internet.

Wieder eine grandiose Folge von

De Chinese APT-hackergroep "Mustang Panda" is gespot bij het misbruiken van de Microsoft Application Virtualization Injector utility als een LOLBIN om kwaadaardige payloads in legitieme processen ...

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is : ... With and ...

we've with our , we're going to our for because, 's ....

...! you'll ...


Strategic planning provides the main direction, but reaching the final goal within the time and budget requires tactical agility.

Hacker News: Chinese Hackers Exploit MAVInject.exe to Evade Detection in Targeted Cyber Attacks

The Register: Why did the Windows 95 setup use Windows 3.1

GNOME 48 beta is another nail in X11's coffin

Our first look at the default desktop for Fedora 42 and Ubuntu 'Plucky Puffin' The next version of the default desktop for most of the big Linux distros is in beta. Here's what to expect next month, or soon thereafter.

US newspaper publisher uses linguistic gymnastics to avoid saying its outage was due to ransomware

Called it an 'incident' in SEC filing, but encrypted apps and data exfiltration suggest Lee just cant say the R word US newspaper publisher Lee Enterprises is blaming its recent service disruptions on a "cybersecurity attack," per a regulatory filing, and is the latest com

Space rock 2024 YR4 still has 2.4% shot at smacking Earth

Scientists refine estimates, but can't yet rule out an impact The latest figures from the European Space Agency (ESA) on the trajectory of asteroid 2024 YR4 show a reduction in uncertainty around the object's orbit while the probability of impact remains low.

Hacker News: New OpenSSH Flaws Enable Man-in-the-Middle and DoS Attacks &#8212 Patch Now

The Register: NAND flash prices plunge amid supply glut, factory output cut

FreSSH bugs undiscovered for years threaten OpenSSH security

Exploit code now available for MitM and DoS attacks Researchers can disclose two brand-new vulnerabilities in OpenSSH now that patches have been released.

How Far is it?

Immer mehr Ransomware-Bedrohungen in SaaS-Umgebungen

Da sehr viele SaaS angebote zum Thema deren Sicherheit mMn eher lapitar behandeln ist dies nicht verwunderlich. Da werden meiner Erfahrung nach fters auf alte Kentnisse beharrt als dies weiter zu entwickeln. Dies ist aber wichtiger als nur den marketing Vortschritt an sich. Simpel ist es nicht aber zB nur Hasching ist es nicht.

Ist euch schon einmal aufgefallen, dass es unter IT-Mitarbeitern bei Musik eigentlich nur zwei Geschmacksrichtungen gibt

Entweder elektronisch oder rockig. Andere Genres sind mir jedenfalls nicht nicht untergekommen.

IT professionals seem to be overrepresented on Mastodon compared to their numbers in the overall population. Progressive or left-leaning persons, including IT professionals, also seem to be overrepresented on Mastodon compared to their numbers in the general population. My guess is that IT professionals who continue to use X/Twitter are generally more conservative than those here. What are we to make of the strong influence of the IT economy, its leaders, and some of its professionals on the current right-wing milieu

Beveiligingsupdate voor Juniper Session Smart Router: Wat je moet weten
Juniper heeft recent een beveiligingslek gepatcht in hun Session Smart Router. Dit lek maakte het mogelijk voor kwaadwillenden o...

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by harnessing quantum mechanics to process information at unprecedented speeds, is driving advancements in encryption , machine learning , and solving complex problems .

Dive into how quantum computing is set to reshape the future of IT & AI, unlocking new possibilities and efficiencies.

Read our blog for in-depth insights!

#it #apple #google #microsoft #bigtech #usa #americaPeople within #europe really should consider moving away their DATA from US companies like Apple & Google by using a #eu or even local mail service for email, address book and calendar. Fewer data for the corrupt #trump administration ...

What if Rihanna worked in IT

Please just stop the meetings
Please just stop the meetings
Please just stop the meetings
Please just stop the meetings

It's gettin' late, I'm dead tired and it's only early afternoon
I gotta get my body moving, shake the stress away
I wasn't expecting another one when an invitation got my way
Possible pain in the arse, yeah

Oracle extends 19c database support to 2032, making it 'longest strategic release'

Meanwhile, on-prem version of 23ai remains uncertain Oracle has postponed the end of support date for its popular 19c database as users await news of a mainstream on-prem version of its latest database, 23ai.

Hacker News: New FrigidStealer Malware Targets macOS Users via Fake Browser Updates

The Register: Why do younger coders struggle to break through the FOSS graybeard barrier

Time to make C the COBOL of this century

Lions juggling chainsaws are fun to watch, but you wouldn't want them trimming your trees Opinion  Nobody likes The Man. When a traffic cop tells you to straighten up and slow down or else, profound thanks are rarely the first words on your lips. Then you drive past a car embedded in a tree, surrounded by blue lights and cutting equipment. Perhaps Officer Dibble h

Grok 3 wades into the AI wars with 'beta' rollout

Musk's latest attempt at a 'maximally truth-seeking' bot arrives Grok 3 has begun rolling out. xAI founder Elon Musk describes the chatbot as "a maximally truth-seeking AI, even if that truth is sometimes at odds with what is politically correct."

And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

's ... I like ...

... /


Z pamitnika serwisanta IT:

Wykonaem dzi cztery serwisy. Pierwszy polega na ponownym wczeniu trzech komputerw. Drugi wymaga podpicia routera do prdu. W trzecim okazao si, e kto kopn switch znajdujcy si przy biurku, rozczajc go od prdu.

Czwarty serwis oznaczony by jako pilny. Kluczowa lokacja. Wymagany popiech. Podjte dziaania: wcinicie przycisku OK na pilocie od ekranu. Czas serwisu (cznie z napisaniem protokou): 2 minuty. Czas dojazdu serwisanta do lokacji: 1h 20 min.

Zastrzeenie: nie kady dzie tak wyglda. Czasami trafiaj si serwisy wymagajce faktycznie wiedzy i umiejtnoci, zajmujce duo czasu.

Huawei to bring massively expensive trifold smartphone to world market

There's everything to play for, but there ain't no Play Store Huawei is bringing its triple-fold Mate XT smartphone to a global audience, but with an eye-watering reported price tag, the question is who will want to buy it

Operas new Browser might save you from Doomscrolling. :acdistress:

Norway-based Opera has announced a new browser Opera Air, with a focus on mindfulness and mental wellbeing. It includes break reminders, breathing exercises and a suite of relaxing soundscapes to help users both focus & de-stress.

Hacker News: Debunking the AI Hype: Inside Real Hacker Tactics

The Register: Techie pointed out meetings are pointless, and was punished for it


46// ari green #25 /4 'sComplicated

Kelsey Hightower on dodging AI and the need for a glossary of IT terms

The science of the appliance and opening the lid of the black box to find... it's just software Interview  The tech industry has a habit of reinventing itself every few years. Kelsey Hightower would like someone to come up with a glossary because software is software, no matter what it gets called.

Best Art Trail in Brazil.