
After using MacOS, Windows, and Linux

After using MacOS, Windows, and Linux (all major distros), I feel like I can give a quick review for each:

The good:
MacOS - best overall look and feel, easy to use, no bloat, great software comes included, very nice hardware, ecosystem
Windows - best in terms of software availability, gaming, multitasking, hardware options (e.g. 2in1s)
Linux - best performing UI, best customisability, secure and private, free and open-source, quiet


Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications such as Nextcloud, Plex or Paperless-NGX. These services have one thing in common: they access data that is usu...

id: 2k75kUd4MO535vdKEwjra3YmHSO
source: https://cybertalk.io/en/feed/
type: comawakarifeedsv1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: -1187965802
categories: Commands IT Linux Proxmox Software cifs Container LXC NFS nfs-utils Proxmox LXC
imageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/nfs-mount-fstab-def...
language: en-US
object: https://cybertalk.io/p=2167
objecturl: https://cybertalk.io/en/proxmox-lxc-create-nfs-cifs-mount-mount-fo...
sourceimagetitle: CyberTalk.io
sourceimageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-cropp...
sourcetitle: CyberTalk.io

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications ...
time: 2024-07-24T12:05:34Z
title: Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

Old, new. All the stuff has to be removed from the old rack, the rack removed, the new one moved into place, and everything reinstalled and reconnected.
A few hours total connectivity downtime are expected.
One reason is higher ground clearance for deluge protection, and also some space for future extensions.

The Register: Is AI going to pay its way Wall Street wants tech world to show it the money

, ! , ' , . , .

Der ist doch sicher einigen hier bekannt
Ich wte ja gerne mal welche Ihr so kennt, bei denen noch weitere Mitglieder willkommen sind.
Dazu dann gerne Eure Tipps in den Kommentaren.

Ich fang mal an.
Ich selbst habe eine Gruppe zum Thema und eine zum Thema .
Ich kenne dann noch eine ber , zwei allgemeine Plaudergruppen, ber und , eine allgemeine Gruppe eines Radiomoderator, , .

How Far is it?

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Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications such as Nextcloud, Plex or Paperless-NGX. These services have one thing in common: they access data that is usu...

id: 2k6m6EkGJtzRIiysDCyi3npOgzD
source: https://cybertalk.io/en/feed/
type: com.awakari.feeds.v1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: -74296258
categories: Commands IT Linux Proxmox Software cifs Container LXC NFS nfs-utils Proxmox LXC
imageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/nfs-mount-fstab-def...
language: en-US
object: https://cybertalk.io/p=2167
objecturl: https://cybertalk.io/en/proxmox-lxc-create-nfs-cifs-mount-mount-fo...
sourceimagetitle: CyberTalk.io
sourceimageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-cropp...
sourcetitle: CyberTalk.io

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications ...
time: 2024-07-24T12:05:34Z
title: Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

Hacker News: New Windows Backdoor BITSLOTH Exploits BITS for Stealthy Communication

Apple iPhone and iPad
Apple App Store , ...

id: 2k6kbXxNPxoWhqxJTOKTymvgdeJ
source: https://3dnews.ru/news/rss
type: com.awakari.feeds.v1
attachmentlength: 195311
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subject: nivnikov3dnews.ru
summary: Apple App Store ...
time: 2024-08-02T14:55:00Z
title: Apple iPhone and ...

The Register: Boeing's Starliner proves better at torching cash than reaching orbit

Cybersecurity bedrijf CrowdStrike is aangeklaagd door investeerders die zeggen dat het valse claims heeft gedaan over zijn Falcon-platform nadat een slechte beveiligingsupdate leidde tot een enorme ...

Lees verder op:

IT. Projekte. Menschen. Unfhigkeit. FRECHHEIT! Stillstand.

Als wrde man bei der Formel 1 im Pulk vor der Startlinie stehen, sitzt selbst auf einer Mistgabel und wundert sich, dass man bei Grn nicht so beschleunigt wie die anderen. Das ist aber auch im Vorfeld des Rennens den Designern, Ingenieuren, Mechanikern keinem aufgefallen. Stattdessen wurden der Stiel und die Zinken der Mistgabel auf Hochglanz poliert, hbsch glnzend.

Ich mach jetzt mal Wochenende.

Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications such as Nextcloud, Plex or Paperless-NGX. These services have one thing in common: they access data that is usu...

id: 2k6cw6mHV8WgFaATZIbk0TuLaot
source: https://cybertalk.io/en/feed/
type: com.awakari.feeds.v1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: -678747605
categories: Commands IT Linux Proxmox Software cifs Container LXC NFS nfs-utils Proxmox LXC
imageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/nfs-mount-fstab-def...
language: en-US
object: https://cybertalk.io/p=2167
objecturl: https://cybertalk.io/en/proxmox-lxc-create-nfs-cifs-mount-mount-fo...
sourceimagetitle: CyberTalk.io
sourceimageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-cropp...
sourcetitle: CyberTalk.io

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications ...
time: 2024-07-24T12:05:34Z
title: Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

with and a by ... 's ...

is but, , to and an ...

We're ... And, ... We also have they're and ... ...

We thought ...

BSD Cafe friends connecting to the Mastodon instance from the American continent as a test of the new routed setup, Ive installed a reverse proxy in the Western United States, both in IPv4 and IPv6.
It routes traffic via Wireguard to the original server, so theres no particular local caching, at least for now.
The original DNS TTL was set to 12 hours (while it'll be 5 minutes for this new ipv4 and ipv6, as it's a test), so some of you might still connect to the Finnish IP for a little while longer.
The DNS will return the American IP when the connection is closer to it, and Id be curious to know if you notice any performance differences or if everything remains the same as before.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hacker News: Webinar: Discover the All-in-One Cybersecurity Solution for SMBs

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Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications such as Nextcloud, Plex or Paperless-NGX. These services have one thing in common: they access data that is usu...

id: 2k6QpWGPU3HjEtrqJE0qrPAOFkO
source: https://cybertalk.io/en/feed/
type: com.awakari.feeds.v1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: 1108429257
categories: Commands IT Linux Proxmox Software cifs Container LXC NFS nfs-utils Proxmox LXC
imageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/nfs-mount-fstab-def...
language: en-US
object: https://cybertalk.io/p=2167
objecturl: https://cybertalk.io/en/proxmox-lxc-create-nfs-cifs-mount-mount-fo...
sourceimagetitle: CyberTalk.io
sourceimageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-cropp...
sourcetitle: CyberTalk.io

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications ...
time: 2024-07-24T12:05:34Z
title: Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications such as Nextcloud, Plex or Paperless-NGX. These services have one thing in common: they access data that is usu...

id: 2k6NJ9VUmQhKm0GwXwcVD2kEUEY
source: https://cybertalk.io/en/feed/
type: com.awakari.feeds.v1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: 2107650334
categories: Commands IT Linux Proxmox Software cifs Container LXC NFS nfs-utils Proxmox LXC
imageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/nfs-mount-fstab-def...
language: en-US
object: https://cybertalk.io/p=2167
objecturl: https://cybertalk.io/en/proxmox-lxc-create-nfs-cifs-mount-mount-fo...
sourceimagetitle: CyberTalk.io
sourceimageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-cropp...
sourcetitle: CyberTalk.io

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications ...
time: 2024-07-24T12:05:34Z
title: Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

Facebook Ads lead to Fake Websites stealing Credit Card Information.

A malicious fraud campaign dubbed "ERIAKOS" promotes more than 600 fake web shops through Facebook advertisements to steal visitors personal and financial information.

... ...


: "Is online"


Hacker News: Mirai Botnet targeting OFBiz Servers Vulnerable to Directory Traversal

The Register: Too late now for canary test updates, says pension fund suing CrowdStrike

... ...


: "Is online"


Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications such as Nextcloud, Plex or Paperless-NGX. These services have one thing in common: they access data that is usu...

id: 2k6CHIhAqZ0pCZOIICyRyixyfyO
source: https://cybertalk.io/en/feed/
type: com.awakari.feeds.v1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: -131269370
categories: Commands IT Linux Proxmox Software cifs Container LXC NFS nfs-utils Proxmox LXC
imageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/nfs-mount-fstab-def...
language: en-US
object: https://cybertalk.io/p=2167
objecturl: https://cybertalk.io/en/proxmox-lxc-create-nfs-cifs-mount-mount-fo...
sourceimagetitle: CyberTalk.io
sourceimageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-cropp...
sourcetitle: CyberTalk.io

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications ...
time: 2024-07-24T12:05:34Z
title: Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

Hacker News: U.S. Releases High-Profile Russian Hackers in Diplomatic Prisoner Exchange

The Register: Tesla that killed motorcyclist was in Full Self-Driving mode



: "Has SSG complied with , yet "


Oh hey 2024 is the year of linux in public administration!

This is a long but beautiful blog post.

12 -,

, - . , , . , , .

... ...

: "SSG are claiming that "Mordor" is their first European server, and there's no PvMP... Just like Laurelin."


But, thats because,

... ...

: "... Mordor is our first in Europe."


But, thats because,

Hacker News: Cybercriminals Abusing Cloudflare Tunnels to Evade Detection and Spread Malware

The Register: NASA pops repair kit in the mail so astronauts can fix leaky ISS telescope

Random Old Comic: Career Selection Career Selection

Google Goo.gl.

, ! , - IT. . . , . Google, , Goo.gl. , .

Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications such as Nextcloud, Plex or Paperless-NGX. These services have one thing in common: they access data t...

id<: 2k5fRt1KYC3nCRWd3VUd96h82KT
source: https://cybertalk.io/en/feed/
type<: com.awakari.feeds.v1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: 241399454
categories: Commands IT Linux Proxmox Software cifs Container LXC NFS nfs-utils Proxmox LXC
imageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/nfs-mount-fstab-def...
language: en-US
object: https://cybertalk.io/p=2167
objecturl: https://cybertalk.io/en/proxmox-lxc-create-nfs-cifs-mount-mount-fo...
sourceimagetitle: CyberTalk.io
sourceimageurl: https://cybertalk.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/cropped-cropp...
sourcetitle: CyberTalk.io

The LXC containers in Proxmox are ideal for hosting applications ...
time: 2024-07-24T12:05:34Z
title: Proxmox LXC: Create NFS / CIFS Mount / Mount Folder

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