
Adobe will fork over cash for

Adobe will fork over cash for clips to train text-to-video AI

Not touching copyrighted material with a barge pole Adobe is building its own AI model capable of transforming text into video and, unlike other companies, will actually pay creators of the material used to train it.

competitiveness in

Hacker News: U.S. Federal Agencies Ordered to Hunt for Signs of Microsoft Breach and Mitigate Risks

The Register: VMware's end-user compute products probably have a new brand: Omnissa

OpenBSD 7.5 locks down with root disk encryption and syscall limitations

The most secure Unix-like OS to date The OpenBSD project's 56th release is arguably the most secure Unix-like OS to date.

BlackJack mette in ginocchio Moscollector. 87000 sensori della rete delle condutture di Mosca sono offline

La JSC Moscollector unazienda russa che si occupa della gestione e manutenzione di per la . Fondata il 14 ottobre 2020, ha sede a e opera sotto la forma giuridica di societ per azioni non pubbliche. La societ non figura in alcuna lista di sanzioni, ma stata segnalata come entit di interesse.

Microsoft blamed for a cascade of security failures in Exchange breach report.

A Review Board has issued its report on what led to last summer's capture of hundreds of thousands of emails by Chinese hackers from cloud customers. The report, details the steps that Microsoft took before, during and after the breach and in each case finds critical failure.

Spectre v2 colpisce Linux: il nuovo exploit che mette in crisi i processori Intel

Gli specialisti del gruppo della Libera di hanno presentato una nuova variante dellattacco , che colpisce i basati sui moderni processori .

LastPass: ti chiama il CEO e non rispondi Scopriamo il DeepFake che ha colpito lazienda

ha scoperto che gli hanno preso di mira uno dei suoi utilizzando un di .

Amazon search results now less self-centered, boffin says

Self-preferencing pushback in Europe and US seems to have had some effect Amazon's search results have become less likely to favor the company's own products, according to research from a University of Minnesota economist.

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is proud to support the exciting German-language event, , in Austria, April 19 - 20!

Expand your network and build skills with a range of engaging talks from partners, covering topics such as , , , and more:

Hacker News: Popular Rust Crate liblzma-sys Compromised with XZ Utils Backdoor Files

Das Statement of Work in der deutschen Vertragskultur
von RA Jrgen Beckers

Das Statement of Work in der deutschen Vertragskultur
von RA Jrgen Beckers

The Register: BOFH: The new Boss, Aiman, is suspiciously good for now

Microsoft breach allowed Russian spies to steal emails from US government

Affected federal agencies must comb through mails, reset API keys and passwords The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warns that Russian spies who gained access to Microsoft's email system were able to steal sensitive data, including authentication details and that immediate remedial action is re

Microsoft gives Hyper-V ceilings a Herculean hike

Windows Server 2025 will let you run a VM with 2,048 vCPUs, 240 TB RAM, and 68 network adapters Microsoft has announced new scalability ceilings for its Hyper-V hypervisor.

Listening to an I used to spin at least several times a month while driving 40+ minutes one-way to

But now I'm WORKING to it.. so I'm getting too

..because is frigging amazing, and any company that pushes the heaping line of that you need to be on site to do work in order to "build connections" and "advance culture" is doing so to knowingly and sadistically break your while stealing your and

Hacker News: Iranian MuddyWater Hackers Adopt New C2 Tool 'DarkBeatC2' in Latest Campaign

The Register: French issue alerte rouge after local governments knocked offline by cyber attack

IT biz trials gadget deliveries by drone to sidestep traffic and emissions

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a hard drive! A UK IT maintenance outfit is testing out drones to deliver equipment to customers, claiming this will help with sustainability measures of all things.

:hearttrans: Request for IT assistance :hearttrans:Update: thanks everyone for the advice and generous offers to gelp! I believe we have enough assistance for now.IPv6 networks and

UK county council misses deadline for 7.3M RISE with SAP system launch

Gloucestershire reluctant to set new date in S/4HANA migration saga The UK's Gloucestershire County Council has failed to introduce its new 7.3 million ($9.3 million) cloud-based SAP system in time for the new financial year, as its director of finance promised back in January.

How to Run Android Applications on Ubuntu with Waydroid

Hacker News: Code Keepers: Mastering Non-Human Identity Management

The Register: GCC 14 dropping IA64 support is final nail in the coffin for Itanium architecture

GCC 14 dropping IA64 support is final nail in the coffin for Itanium architecture

Linux kernel cut it loose, now leading FOSS compiler lands depth-charge on Itanic GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 14 should appear any month now, and when it does, it will no longer build binaries for IA64 or Itanic, as The Reg dubbed it.

from a dark and rainy New England, where your boy Peacock managed to not sleep a single wink, and is now procrastinating going to the gym because it's heavy cardio day and I don wanna, before driving off into the suburbs to tour a new datacenter. Bleh.

But! It is Friday and there will be tacos later. Keep smiling, fam, hope your day is a good one!

Linux Foundation is leading fight against fauxpen source

Shifts its transmission from vendor neutral into open source gear Opinion  Since its founding, the Linux Foundation has been a vendor-neutral supporter of Linux and open source software. Now, though, it's actively promoting such open source projects as OpenTofu and Valkey.

Microsoft: un problema di Hardening espone gli accessi dei dipendenti ai database interni

Hacker News: Zero-Day Alert: Critical Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS Flaw Under Active Attack

How Far is it?

The Register: Where there's a will, there's Huawei to develop one's own chipmaking kit

und das : Eine gefhrliche Allianz

(KI) ist heute in fast allen Bereichen unseres Lebens prsent. Im -Security-Umfeld ist ihr Einfluss jedoch besonders markant.

Kennt jemand hier eine gute E-Mail app die ich nutzen kann in Android Am besten mit Datenschutzoptionen oder so.

Am besten keine die mich zu einem Mailanbieter zwingt. Und bitte auch kein Outlook.

I just published a new post on my buymeacoffee
Top 10 Most Preferred Fields in the IT Sector: A Guide for Your Career Journey



Who's there
No one - everyone's been "banned"...


's a


Bug critico di Command Injection sui Firewall di Palo Alto Networks. 10 di score in V4

Una recente scoperta ha messo in luce una di tipo command injection allinterno della funzionalit GlobalProtect del di Palo Alto Networks.

Support contract required techie to lounge around in a $5000/night hotel room

And be paid danger money while he did it On Call  Welcome once again to On-Call, The Registers weekly wander through readers recollections of being asked to perform tech support under all sorts of strange circumstances, most of them difficult. But not always.

Hacker News: Sneaky Credit Card Skimmer Disguised as Harmless Facebook Tracker

The Register: We never agreed to only buy HP ink, say printer owners
