
Abwanderung und Krieg -

Abwanderung und Krieg -

In Russland fehlen die Arbeiter:

Talked to instance operators who ran into "Too many open files" error put a band-aid on it by renting more hosting infrastructure when really a solution was needed b/c "throw money at the problem" is not an option for everyone

And it does not allow for smaller vanilla Mastodon instance operators to move towards financial sustainability

And of course, tests all still pass

End goal is to reduce cost of operating a vanilla instance

Enabling instances to support both larger user base while using less resources this achieves more than cheaper hosting

An important step toward financially sustainability for instance operators possibly even profitable with whatever method they negotiate with their community to pay for the server and costs

Ruby is an interpreted language, which is one reason switching the rack server to a compiled one written in C for HTTP requests gets a massive performance increase

But there are other underlying Rack issues at play here that are not worth detailing here

Instead of simply throwing more servers and resources at the problem, this will deal with the underlying problem

Unfamiliar how routes web clients to the Rails

Nginx/Apache=> Rack=> Rails

Before stream'n hiatus demonstrated how to setup production vanilla Mastodon instance

Context: I contributed to Ruby, Rails + Rack

Using obvio simple HTTP benchmarks and VM (3 deep) to mimic a cheap VPS

Demonstrated a single line change, taking 1 min replacing Puma written in Ruby (interpreted) with Iodine written in C (compiled) to obtain massive performance and increased scalability

Notice Puma's "Too many open files" error

The Register: Ruby on Rails creator cuts TypeScript from Turbo framework, upsets community

Find out how far it is between any two cities.

The Register: TypeScript is not worth it for developing libraries, says Svelte creator


: The game where 's go to ...

is now and 's to on the --Server and then ...

The -Story... ... :

La Polizia Postale porta un Natale Speciale ai bambini del Reparto Oncologico: Babbo Natale Portano Gioia e Doni!

The Register: Microsofts Visual Basic: Why it won, and why it had to die








The Register: Slash costs by ditching microservices for monolith: Internal Amazon study raises eyebrows

Google Chrome nel mirino! Estensioni VPN fraudolente su Chrome Scaricate 1,5 Milioni di Volte!

The Register: ESA's Mars Express continues to avoid retirement home


I like to when in is that, , you're just as they're ...


Not is a but, that doesn't mean 's a , either...



ESA's Mars Express continues to avoid retirement home

Another chunk of science, another mission extension. But probe is running on fumes Space Extenders II  The Mars Express recorded the highest clouds ever seen above the surface of a planet, as well as water ice on Mars' polar caps. And although the veteran spacecraft is now seemingly entering the final phase of its journey, th

Hacker News: British LAPSUS$ Teen Members Sentenced for High-Profile Attacks

The Register: Why Nvidia and AMD are roasting each other over AI performance claims

1,2 milioni di contatti dei CEO delle aziende italiane sono in vendita nelle underground

I Micro-Robot a breve nel nostro corpo: la rivoluzione medica contro i coaguli di sangue vicina

OilRig, il Gruppo Hacker Iraniano era da un anno nelle reti israeliane. Svelati 3 nuovi downloader


: The game where 's go to ...

is now 's to on the --Server and then ...

's and as ... can anymore without being a being a of -Group results in from the , so...

: 7 ' 9000S'

What a night. Every time I think I finally "get ," I'm humbled.

I had to spin up a virtual machine of , because I wanted to make sure my host of the same had the correct repos enabled and listed. (It did not.)

What even triggered this examination I added the repo, and its key verification failed. I went to remove the repo using the , and accidentally clicked the option to reset the sources list (to what I believe to be stock Ubuntu) instead of 's fantastic offering.

I've still got to figure out how to remove the repo before reinstalling the client using the .deb package, and I'm confident only that I'm more likely to have the correct repos than not. Tonight was a reminder that I still know nothing about anything, despite being a 7+ year user of Linux-based , administrating Linux systems as for 3+ years, and having a postgrad degree in an adjacent subject.

We're all idiots in our own special ways.

I'm to learn that...

Would it to know I ...

takes but , should you get the ...

Also: : ...


Hot Toys Pennywise IT Chapter Two 1:6 Scale Figure Sideshow.

The Register: Asahi's Fedora remix dazzles and baffles on Apple Silicon

Apple -

The Register: Great Accelerations: Just How Much Will We Spend On GenAI Again

The Register: 2024 IT management trends: Its generative AI and everything else

10 There are a couple of reasons I prefer file based backup/restore.

1. Because the workloads are all containerized or virtualized, we don't have to worry about backing up the whole Linux install.

2. The backups are only as big as the container mounts and VM images making them very fast.

3. Restores can be automated or done manually.

4. Restores can be made to a VM to ensure uptime while recovering the physical box.

9 I'm finishing up work on the Essential Services Server today, before moving on to the more mundane stuff.

As correctly pointed out, a backup isn't worth much if you don't test it.

1 So first order to business is to complete and test the automation script used to recreate and restore the server.

The Register: Lapsus$ teen sentenced to indefinite detention in hospital for Nvidia, GTA cyberattacks

Gehet hin und richtet die PCs, Tablets, Fernseher, Router, Drucker usw usf eurer Familie ein es ist Weihnachten!

The Register: Facing stiff competition, Intel's Lisa Spelman reflects on Xeon hurdles, opportunities

La Polizia Postale elimina una rete di pedofili. 51 perquisizioni in tutta Italia e 28 arresti

Blitz Globale: LInterpol con loperazione HAECHI IV elimina una rete di 3500 criminali informatici che movimentava 300 milioni di dollari

The Register: Iranian cyberspies target US defense orgs with a brand new backdoor

Iranian cyberspies target US defense orgs with a brand new backdoor

Also: International cops crackdown on credit card stealers and patch these critical vulns Iranian cyberspies are targeting defense industrial base organizations with a new backdoor called FalseFont, according to Microsoft.

# sshfs
, ( ), : , , vim , sshfs

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