
"A new research report from the

"A new research report from the Upwork Research Institute offers a look into the bizarre situation unfolding in workplaces where bosses have been conned into buying AI and now face the challenge of getting it to work as advertised:

The headline findings tell the whole story:
* 96% of bosses expect that AI will make their workers more productive
* 85% of companies are either requiring or strongly encouraging workers to use AI
* 49% of workers have no idea how AI is supposed to increase their productivity
* 77% of workers say using AI decreases their productivity." >

MediaTek, Qualcomm Apple Q3 2024 -

SpaceX Starship moved to launchpad for 6th flight test

Yes, the heat shield has been tweaked. But there's also a banana for scale SpaceX has transported its Starship spacecraft to the launchpad in preparation for a scheduled flight test on November 18.


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wants what ...

Hacker News: Experts Uncover 70,000 Hijacked Domains in Widespread 'Sitting Ducks' Attack Scheme


It's always fun troubleshooting latency issues.

The Register: All bark, no bite Musk's DOGE unlikely to have any real power

AI PCs flood the market. Vendors hope someone wants them

Despite 49% surge in shipments, buyers seem unconvinced Warehouses in the IT channel are stocking up with AI-capable PCs - industry watcher Canalys claims these made up 20 percent of all shipments during Q3 2024, amounting to some 13.3 million units worldwide.

: about aside from ...

The ...

's "... 'til the fearless come..." ...!

:wolfparty: :fediverse::PirateBadge::PirateBadge::fediverse:


Qualcomm's Windows on Arm push would be great if only it ran all your software

Until compatibility issues are properly addressed, it'll never stand up to x86 Analysis  Qualcomm has set its sights on Arm-based Windows laptops, which, in theory, offer notable advantages. The company's Arm-powered Snapdragon processors promise exceptional battery life that puts x86 machines to shame, fanless de

Sektor und

Cybersecurity: U.S. Systems Targeted in China-Linked Hack

"AT&T and Verizon are among the providers that were breached"

Remember: no wiretap, no misuse

Podcast BURN 4 IT by iX: Observability Standard fr moderne Applikationen

Observability ist viel mchtiger als klassisches Monitoring. Fr die Problemsuche in modernen IT-Infrastrukturen und Anwendungen ist sie unverzichtbar.

Hacker News: TikTok Pixel Privacy Nightmare: A New Case Study

Bethesda ZeniMax -

The Register: Here's how a Trump presidency could change the tech industry

Microsoft lost passwords: de verborgen kosten en oplossingen -ondersteuning

DID YOU KNOW! Not selected No problem! 2025 gives all quality abstract submissions a 15-day Early Bird extension after selections are announced! This special perk will be sent by email, so check your inbox! Join us in with this exclusive chance.

wie in dieser Tootreihe oben schon erwhnt, wird Post-Quantum Kryptografie in einigen IT-Gebieten relevant sein aber nicht in allen. Mal sehen wie ehrlich dies das Marketing die Sicherheit bernimmt und kommuniziert, hoffentlich nicht so wie in China.

NIST verffentlicht erste quantensichere FIPS

Broadcom makes VMware Workstation and Fusion free for everyone

And yes, that does include commercial use in production Broadcom has made its desktop hypervisors freeware even for production use. Not open source, but free stuff is still good, right

Datacenters line up for 750MW of Oklo's nuclear-waste-powered small reactors

What was it they say Out with the old and in with the nucleus Increasingly, datacenter operators are putting their faith in the promise of miniaturized nuclear power plants better known as small modular reactors (SMRs) to fuel their ever-growing energy demands.

Mac mini 2024SSDM4 ProM4au WebIT &Technology

Hacker News: Google Warns of Rising Cloaking Scams, AI-Driven Fraud, and Crypto Schemes

Aanbeveling voor Kwetsbaarheden in Palo Alto PAN-OS Verholpen
Palo Alto Networks heeft recentelijk verschillende kwetsbaarheden in hun PAN-OS verholpen. Deze kwetsbaarheden kunnen door kwaad...

Lees verder op:

The Register: Five Eyes infosec agencies list 2024's most exploited software flaws

Kwetsbaarheden Verholpen in Fortinet FortiClient
In dit document worden de recent verholpen kwetsbaarheden in Fortinet FortiClient voor Windows en MacOS besproken. Deze kwetsbaarheden konden door kwaa...

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Microsoft 365 Copilot goes monthly for a 5% premium and annual commitment

Other subscriptions also set for updates in the name of 'cash flow flexibility' Microsoft is introducing flexible billing for Microsoft 365 Copilot starting next month to spread the cost of an annual subscription. For a price.

inwiefern der Besuch einer Dauer - -Veranstaltung eines Konzerns, welcher nachweislich fr illegale Agententtigkeit im Auftrag mindestens eines auslndischen es ( , , auch bekannt als ) gegen seine eigenen Kunden bekannt ist, mit der Ttigkeit als - der ffentlichen Hand samt vereinbar ist, halte ich fr bestenfalls fraglich.

Ich jedenfalls wrde als ffentliche Ankndigung zur "Anbahnung an auslndische Geheimdienste" interpretieren...

Kwetsbaarheid Opgelost in Schneider Electric EcoStruxure
Schneider Electric heeft succesvol een beveiligingslek verholpen in hun EcoStruxure IT Gateway-product. Deze kwetsbaarheid stelde kwaadwillende...

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are ...

... Or... ...



's except that ...

Fedora 41: A vast assortment, but there's something for everyone

It's the Heinz of Linux but that only boasted 57 varieties At the end of October, Fedora 41 came out, with more different variants than ever before: 29 by our count, not including all the architectures and download options.

Hacker News: 5 BCDR Oversights That Leave You Exposed to Ransomware

The Register: AI's power trip will leave energy grids begging for mercy by 2027

Kids' shoemaker Start-Rite trips over security again, spilling customer card info

Full details exposed, putting shoppers at serious risk of fraud Children's shoemaker Start-Rite is dealing with a nasty "security incident" involving customer payment card details, its second significant lapse during the past eight years.

NatWest blocks bevy of apps in clampdown on unmonitorable comms

From guidance to firm action... no more WhatsApp, Meta's Messenger, Signal, Telegram and more The full list of messaging apps officially blocked by Brit banking and insurance giant NatWest Group is more extensive than WhatsApp, Meta's Messenger, and Skype as first reported.

UkraineAbgeschossene russische Drohne ist voller West-Technologie:
Eine abgestrzte russische Kampfdrohne offenbart die anhaltende Abhngigkeit Russlands von westlicher Technologie. Der Fund wirft aber auch Fragen zur Wirksamkeit der seit bereits Jahren bestehenden Sanktionen und Exportkontrollen auf

Lasst mich raten, der Kapitalismus vernichtet sich selber naiv gierig und ist ein willkommene Diktatur Aufstiegshilfe

Gratis-Tool Sicherheitsforscher knacken ShrinkLocker-Verschlsselung:
Der Erpressungstrojaner ShrinkLocker nutzt Microsofts Bitlocker, um Windows-Systeme zu verschlsseln. Ein Entschlsselungstool hilft.

Wer von denen sind nun die Securityhacker Ich frag ja nur und weshalb ist wieder Windows betroffen und ist dies professionell

Mitarbeiter*in in der Abteilung IT/Digitale Dienste (m/w/d), Teilzeit (75%), EG 13 TV-L, 2 Jahre befristet, Reg.-Nr. 3-110590/24-H

Hacker News: New RustyAttr Malware Targets macOS Through Extended Attribute Abuse

Walking Tours on your GPS!