Holy mother godPedophile crime family

LREwoke Not Russia, USA
@michaelscherer Holy mother of god.
Pedophile crime family stands up for and sings the praises of…
StudleyEsq Washington, DC
@JonesPete How far is it from @sipndiplounge?
JPrice02 Kansas City, MO
@defyNW I may be far away now, but if there is ever anything I can do to support Defy and your talent, let me know.…
Dr_Petralia Vancouver, British Columbia
At an “exclusive” event for marketing leaders in a bit of a hidden bar. Reminded how important it is to know your a…
Yellabossbby Sacramento, CA
Idk why but i hate sleeping over at ppls house i always go home no matter what time or how far away it is lol
Chad_Bod Smashville, TN
See how easy it is to tweet something pretty believable when you just say source? As far as you know it's true just…
JJDodders Edinburgh, Scotland
The tree has to be at least 30ft tall. And look how far off the ceiling it is. That living room must be colossal.
judithtimson Toronto
What the "ridiculous" reaction really reflects is the fear and frustration far and wide over America becoming host…
@EdKrassen @rappahannockmag I like the moon- how about Mars? It@is far enough away
penasconerros Dallas, TX
Tomorrow we test our speed with PR Day, come put 30 min on the clock and see how far you can go! It is the last...
BleedblueRob 519 Ontario Canada
Good for @BonsieTweets to say it’s deplorable how far the press box is away from the ice at Rogers Place 🤘🏼Auston Scored! 🤘🏼 #TMLtalk
@OttogiBeefCurry @mercedesam23 ???? 250mph is how you go to work? he is boasting how fast it can go not how far...i…
SanguisVarga North Providence, RI
Why the fuck is this our future? Why the fuck did we let it get dystopian? What the hell did we do wrong? Seriously…
@DrFNA Life is full of obstacles, especially for women of color. When we are climbing a high mountain, sometimes it…
harikunzru Brown men are never local
Ayn Rand update: intermission and so far it’s great. Ivo Van Hove knows exactly how trashy the material is and goes with it.
Hamzatic Toronto
i’ve had bells palsey for the last 3 weeks so far and i’d say i’m like 80% of the way back to normal. Been very eye…
toffeefountain Hertfordshire
@KizzyCakes Thanks 😊 I love it so far. I miss you too! Of course! You get loads of different types like gloss, liqu…
lazertag69 Dinkytown, Minnesota
@FlatOut03441276 @NuttingFiend It is massive. We’ve been there. We put a mirror there. You can bounce a laser off o…
hanroman Newport Beach, CA
Kate verdict just takes my breath away
America has gone so far off the tracks
Letting SF & NY tell us what to think…
ShomitSengupta Boston, MA
Having worked with an early version of this technology- it is great to see how far it has come. Huge potential for…
@ZyoungBowler @marchmadness If you watch them it's clear they are bud. How is ND overrated at #5? Who should be ran…
NadelleWilson California, USA
@MollyMcKew I think of fascism on a day to day basis NOW. It is unbelievable how far toward fascism we have come in…
@TheTherynMeyer Tbqh, it's rather easy to abuse the concept of natural order into a power grab and consequently abu…
Celeb_Babe England
To those who got Taylor Swift's album weeks ago and have had time to listen to all the songs how do you pick a favo…
warsonghold North East, England
Mechanically it's very solid, and all the bosses so far feel very unique. Sort of gives me Ulduat vibes with how we…
tahirabnjmn LA
@FlaJack1 @wlocket1 @PbStarbox @ohsoxo @beckyfs22 @drobb6969 @busbyj2 @SenJohnMcCain @SenSchumer as someone who is…
No matter how far we progress along the Buddhist path, we will always return to the most basic questions.
What is…
kbMerz A plane not orbiting this sun.
@NBCTheVoice How much life have you actually lived. What you have yet to learn is an ocean to the puddle you have l…
TheCakeBeef Pennsylvania, USA
I don't think enough emphasis is put on how exceptionally strange it actually is to be a conscious, self aware bein…
PearsonCPA Demopolis, Alabama
@gbaker4bama Sure, but it’s not a level playing field. The question is how far do you go to make it level? I guess…