


The Register: Respect your data, and protect it


Er is een massale Magniber ransomware-campagne aan de gang, waarbij apparaten van thuisgebruikers wereldwijd worden versleuteld en er duizenden dollars losgeld wordt geist om een decryptor te ontva...

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And, "he's" meant to be , too...

's that is ...

:wolfparty: :fediverse::fediverse:

Samsung Galaxy A15 Galaxy S24 Ultra iPhone 14, Android-

Counterpoint ...

id: 2kCNnwPj9yGmXr0wOKESKYri8ha
source: https://se7en.ws/feed/
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object: https://se7en.ws/byudzhetnyj-samsung-galaxy-a15-obognal-galaxy-s24-ul...
objecturl: https://se7en.ws/byudzhetnyj-samsung-galaxy-a15-obognal-galaxy-s24...
sourcedescription: - - ...
sourceimagetitle: SE7EN.ws
sourceimageurl: https://se7en.ws/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/se7en-icon-150x15...
sourcetitle: SE7EN.ws

Counterpoint ...
time: 2024-08-04T15:02:49Z
title: Samsung Galaxy A15 Galaxy S24 Ultra ...

As soon as possible: Countries warn their citizens to leave Lebanon amid fears of regional escalation

Following calls from the United States and the United Kingdom, France on Sunday urged its citizens to leave Lebanon imme...

id: 2kCFr3wWZaF7aAdteNoGwtjpGty
source: https://pledgetimes.com/feed/
type: comawakarifeedsv1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: -1382285750
categories: World alerts before it possible the
imageurl: https://i3.wp.com/imagenes.eltiempo.com/files/ogthumbnail/files/fp...
language: en
object: https://pledgetimes.com/as-soon-as-possible-countries-warn-their-citi...
objecturl: https://pledgetimes.com/as-soon-as-possible-countries-warn-their-c...
sourceimagetitle: Pledge Times
sourceimageurl: https://pledgetimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/cropped-an...
sourcetitle: Pledge Times

Following calls from the United States and the United Kingdom, Fr...
time: 2024-08-04T13:57:28Z
title: As soon as possible: Countries warn their citizens to leave Leba...

"Come join the clown. You'll float down here. We all float down here. Yes, we do!"
All shot using real lighting, figures and miniature sets.

The Register: UK plans to revamp national cyber defense tools are already in motion

The Register: Fortune 50 biz coughed up record-breaking $75M ransom to halt leak of stolen data

About and from by + !

Hey and bubble. I need a tool like Google forms for anonymous form. But not from Google. Do you know anything

The Register: AI boom is reshaping the face of cloud infrastructure

... ...!

Have the at complied with , yet


's ...

The Register: Azure Linux 3 hits general availability but don't expect any frills



: "Has SSG complied with , yet "


Apple Vision Pro ep565 # Apple Vision Pro ep565 Riverside.

The Register: Breaking the economy of trust: How busts affect malware gangs

New computer naming scheme: Old Spice product names.

La serie precuela de , ha finalizado su rodaje y ha entrado en fase de post produccin, se espera que la serie llegue en algn momento de 2025 al canal y a la plataforma .

Apple , ChatGPT iOS 18
Apple Ch...

id: 2kAHgzdyxFHCfo74x1OlEmMVGO5
source: https://3dnews.ru/news/rss
type: comawakarifeedsv1
attachmentlength: 135539
attachmenttype: image/jpeg
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imageurl: https://3dnews.ru/assets/external/illustrations/2024/08/03/1108959/...
language: ru
object: https://3dnews.ru/1108959/#66ae8a27742eec8f9f8b456d
objecturl: https://3dnews.ru/1108959
sourcedescription: 3DNews -
sourceimageurl: https://3dnews.ru/assets/images/logo.png
sourcetitle: 3DNews -
subject: nivnikov3dnews.ru
summary: Apple ...
time: 2024-08-03T20:49:00Z
title: Apple , ChatGPT i...

The Register: Israeli hacktivist group brags it took down Iran's internet

The Register: Microsoft's results are in, but the E7 subscription remains mythical. For now

Een Chinese hackgroep genaamd StormBamboo heeft een onbekende internetprovider (ISP) gecompromitteerd om automatische software-updates te vergiftigen met malware.
Ook bekend als Evasive Panda, Dagge...

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The Register: Bugging out: 53 years since humans first drove a battery-powered car on the Moon

This 's of are with some are a than ...

There's quite a of with 's a in ...

I'm I want to over , though... There's to eat... Maybe a ...


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:spinningpinwheel::spinningpinwheel: :fediverse::loading::loading::fediverse:

Dear Whoever Owns BOS-SQL-PRD01,

Your VM is about to expire. I have no idea why I'm getting the messages about that instead of you, but I have a feeling based on the name that it might be important.

Wishing you a very pleasant oh god production is down Monday,


La reciente interrupcin global de de Holdings Inc. generar un costo estimado de $5.4 mil millones para las empresas Fortune 500, segn Parametrix. Sin embargo, se espera que las prdidas aseguradas sean significativamente menores, con estimaciones que oscilan entre $300 millones y $1.5 mil millones, segn Guy Carpenter y CyberCube Analytics Inc.

La mayora de los...

The Register: Uncle Sam sues TikTok for 'extensive' data harvesting from millions of kids

The Register: Say 'ahhhh' AI robots are now gunning for your gums

I need more of those Yusuf Dike and !!!

The Register: San Francisco set to ban rent-hiking software algorithms

Phish It Production Crew Pass Poster

It was the sixth festival hosted by the rock band Phish. The event took place in August of 2003, at the Loring Air Force Base in Limestone, Maine just miles from the CanadaU.S. border. 60,000 people attended. resulting in one of the largest Phish concerts ever.
Available At

Threat Actors abuse free TryCloudflare to deliver Remote Access Malware.

Researchers are warning of cybercriminals increasingly abusing the Cloudflare Tunnel service in malware campaigns that usually deliver remote access trojans (RATs).

The Register: DARPA suggests turning old C code automatically into Rust using AI, of course

... ...!

Have the at complied with , yet


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