
17 milioni di record di utenti

17 milioni di record di utenti Instagram in vendita nellunderground

Nel sottobosco dellinternet oscuro, dove l prospera e le sensibili vengono scambiate come merce di contrabbando, un nuovo allarme ha scosso la comunit online.


The Register: We talk to W3C board vice-chair Robin Berjon about the InterPlanetary File System

Dabei ist wohl die der durch 's das eigentliche , denn die meiste "schlecht" programmierte luft auf "schlecht" programmierten Betriebssystemen von Microsoft. Also eine doppelte der -.

60 Jahre Software-Entwicklung: Ein Alptraum, der mit grottiger Qualitt und im Chaos endet Borns IT- und Windows-Blog

The Register: How to run an LLM on your PC, not in the cloud, in less than 10 minutes

How to run an LLM on your PC, not in the cloud, in less than 10 minutes

Cut through the hype, keep your data private, find out what all the fuss is about Hands On  With all the talk of massive machine-learning training clusters and AI PCs youd be forgiven for thinking you need some kind of special hardware to play with text-and-code-generating large language models (LLMs) at home.

The Register: Here's another thing AI can do: Spark a boom in edge infrastructure spending

Harta job-urilor, n varianta LinkedIn: Industria care anun cele mai multe locuri de munc n fiecare ar.
-ul, pe primul loc n . Ce arat datele oficiale

I threw Arch Linux on a VM cuz I really wanted to try out the new KDE Plasma 6.

The 6.x release feels familiar and good to use. Several quirks and bugs from KDE 5 seem to be eradicated. Definitely seems fit as a solid desktop daily driver.

Arch seems pretty stable for a bleeding edge distro too. I've generally avoided it up until now, but I might consider it for my next desktop overhaul.

The Register: In the rush to build AI apps, please, please don't leave security behind

In the rush to build AI apps, please, please don't leave security behind

Supply-chain attacks are definitely possible and could lead to data theft, system hijacking, and more Feature  While in a rush to understand, build, and ship AI products, developers and data scientists are being urged to be mindful of security and not fall prey to supply-chain attacks.

Striving to facilitate self-service options for corporations and agencies: about to create , the citizen

For self-service by all interested parties, via leaks, hacking, or simply paying contractors for "sharing" their access.

As always: "Stronger safeguards for sensitive data", so you can shrug off responsibility after the inevitable breach happened.

Find all the other euphemisms here:

From the ar(t)chive
Isometric 3D illustration style experiment for an old issue of the Dutch Computable magazine, accompanying an article about working overtime.

From the ar(t)chive

Isometric 3D illustration style experiment for an old issue of the Dutch Computable magazine, accompanying an article about working overtime.

The Register: FCC ups broadband benchmark speeds, says rural areas still underserved

Risate da malware! La tragi-commedia delle truffe Baidu tra Notepad e siti fake

Da recenti ricerche emerso che gli stanno cercando versioni ufficiali di programmi come ++ e attraverso motori di ricerca come anche se questi sono sempre pi vittime di sofisticati.

Spionaggio Spaziale: SpaceX pronta a rendere il progetto Starshield locchio real-time sul mondo

Ma quale !

Lo arriva ad un nuovo livello! , la societ di Elon Musk, ha stipulato un accordo da 1,8 miliardi di dollari con il National Reconnaissance Office () degli per creare una rete di centinaia di satelliti spia.

The Register: Claims emerge that Citrix has doubled price of month-to-month partner licenses

Missing Link: Indiens Software-Brain-Drain kehrt sich um

Indiens digitaler Aufstieg, neue Visa-Regelungen und die starke Nachfrage von Big Tech locken IT-Fachkrfte zurck nach Indien.

Missing Link: India's Software Brain Drain Turns the Tide to Talent Shortage

From Indias own digital rise to new visa dynamics to a huge demand for talent by Big Tech there are many levers pulling IT professionals back to India.

Vulnerabilit nei Plugin di ChatGPT: Una Minaccia alla Sicurezza Digitale

Gli di plugin di terze parti per dovranno fare attenzione, poich di sicurezza hanno scoperto che tali plugin potrebbero rappresentare una nuova superficie di per i desiderosi di ottenere accesso non autorizzato a sensibili.

I just became aware that vampire capitalists highjacked the of old (in name only, mind you) for a God-forsaken ...

Nothing is sacred in this world...

: What's that that when an / that doesn't know you and you've tries to tell your but, as AND also to their own : ...

(s) ...

: Made by for and ...

's a

And yes, and ruin everything...

I've seen entire departments being destroyed by CEOs who not legally mobbed talented people out.

No, I'm not gonna namedrop someone - cuz as much as I love to do that, I do comply with NDAs...

Why are so many men in so Its come to the point where its safer to literally assume IT bruh's are their or .

The Register: Raspberry Pi OS 5.2 is here, with pleasant tweaks to Wayland-based desktop

Im debating making my own JBOD. I imagine it cant be too hard for me to dev out a SATA/SAS backplane I could just see If I can buy passive ones .Though I do want to use an LSI card. The hope is to replace the Dell Poweredge 710 i have entirely with a new head system and separate JBOD. Something newer, quieter, and more power efficient. But JBOD chassis are kinda stupid expensive...

The Register: As if working at Helldesk weren't bad enough, IT helpers now targeted by cybercrims

Ok, it's the third time I write this post after deleting it twice after few hours in the last 3 days.
To write it shorter way than previously, I was misgendered during an online technical interview for a software developer position in one of the biggest European companies.

Although the man conducting the interview has seen my name and surname (the same as in my CV) on the screen in Teams, he asked how can he address me, and later, after seeing my confusion, whether it's "Daria" or (male equivalent of my name, in Polish). I was so fucking confused and stressed that it absolutely didn't help pass the "test" (which looked like an exam at university). Later, after I received an email from the HR person saying that they rejected my application after that technical meeting, I described what has happened at the beginning of the interview. The recruiter replied that she's really sorry about that, apologized for this stressful situation.

"I can assure you that he didn't mean any harm, it's possible that he felt embarrassed and was just trying to make sure he was addressing you correctly. Unfortunately, there are times when other candidates call in for a technical interview than those who are in the process."

Then some corporate bullshit about inclusivity: "We are committed to creating a welcoming and respectful environment for diversity, so your feedback is extremely valuable to us".

I can't get over this after more than 3 days. This was the most horrible experience since I came out over a year ago and started my previous job as *me*. No one ever misgendered me. No one even *tried* to do this.

Companies, startups, software houses etc., if you claim that you care about inclusive and diverse environment, then if any of your employees does this kind of shit, it's your commitment to make sure it won't happen again - but I'm pretty sure that it will, because most of you just claim to be "allies" and never even have a single, proper, deep inclusivity training.

auf : Teilweise etwas langatmig, aber die Story ist

... 's ...

There's on the , and we're ... in ...

's a .... With ...


The Register: Microsoft license shuffle means Power Apps users could break the bank

The Register: Biden to inject Intel with CHIPS fab cash 'next week'

Im professionally curious about the current IT issue but cant find anything in the usual channels. Wondering whether its related to a payment or provider, or just some purely internal screwup.

Since 's a ...

You can on that, if you like...

" is "

McDonalds ha chiuso i suoi ristoranti per un problema tecnico

McDonalds ha chiuso i suoi in tutto il mondo a causa di un guasto al .

Updated :

Hi, I'm Ratt! I am a to two amazing not-so-little-anymore dudes, still to my high school hottie (20+ years together!), work in as a , and am currently on a , a goal to get from being so out of shape that I get winded walking up a flight of stairs, to to (elev. 9,716 ft) in by the end of August of this year, so expect regular updates and hiking pics about that.

In my free time, I play a lot of and have accepted my fate as a but, while I don't foresee myself fully switching from anytime soon, I'm trying to branch out a bit into other systems.

Outside of , I also love -y like the , , , , , , , and .

Then there's I love and, over the past several years, have become a bit of a for bands like , , , , , , , , and .

I retoot a lot of because I rarely seem to be able to find the time to paint my own, but I share those as well when it happens. is another semi-regular topic as I get excited about and goings-on with and other space orgs. I'll also sometimes toot about , , and which also fascinate me.

Finally, while I try to keep it rare, I do occasionally post about my views on current events, politics (), and religion (), but will keep those behind a content warning.

Those are the toots you can expect from me. Hopefully you'll give me a follow!

The Register: Microsoft defends barging in on Chrome with pop-up ads pushing Bing, GPT-4

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