
- Make posting to Mastodon feel

- Make posting to Mastodon feel like posting to a :

Sometimes I come across apps that I would never have missed. Apps that come out of nowhere and still find their niche - Tusks by developer is one of them, aiming for a new focus when posting on Mastodon.

Dating apps kiss'n'tell all sorts of sensitive personal info

Privacy Not Included label slapped on 22 of 25 top lonely-hearts corners Dating apps ask people to disclose all kinds of personal information in the hope of them finding love, or at least a hook-up.


Eigene Kinder + eigener Kleingarten + eigene Technik > 100% Auslastung. Fr so etwas Banales wie einen regulren Job und Geld verdienen hab ich keine Zeit mehr. An solche persnlichen Dinge wie Freunde treffen, Sport machen oder liebe, alte Hobbys wieder angehen, wage ich ja nicht mal zu denken ...

Gibt man den Kleingarten wieder auf Unsere Oase, wenn in Berlin wieder jeder Quadratmeter Grn belegt ist

Oder schmeie ich die ganze Technik - unsere Computer, Netzlaufwerke, Clouds, BackupServer, Firewalls und diesen ganzen "Mist" - einfach weg und gehe zurck auf Zettel und Stift

... ich frchte, die Kinder mssen arbeiten gehen.

The Register: What do we make of Apple's plan B for a down quarter that $110B buyback of shares

Motherboard hat RAM nicht erkannt. Hat mir jetzt ein paar Stunden gekostet. Macht man ja gerne fr die Kinder

IT industry is doomed
Just a large smelly floater of about all this and some other stuff.


The Register: Microsoft doesn't want cops using Azure AI for facial recognition

8 Ways Your Account Is Vulnerable to 'ers

It would help a little to use signatures, but this alone irritates many because they "can't read" the attached file. Why do they call themselves -conscious professionals and users Implementing something like this in a company is really not too much effort. In my opinion, this alone would increase the sender's confidence considerably.

Ja, leider nur zu wahr. Auf den Punkt gebracht

Kommentar zur Debatte um -Sicherheit: "Die Emprten sind nackt"

Microsoft bandisce luso della sua tecnologia per il riconoscimento facciale da parte della polizia

Microsoft ha inasprito le regole per lutilizzo del suo servizio , vietando ai di statunitensi di utilizzare l per il riconoscimento facciale.

Microsoft presenta Dirty Stream: Come una minaccia per Android mette a rischio miliardi di utenti

Gli hanno parlato di una nuova tecnica chiamata attacchi path traversal. Si chaima , e consente alle dannose di sovrascrivere i file nella home di altre .

The Register: It may take decade to shore up software supply chain security, says infosec CEO

dass das und die gemeingefhrlich-inkompetente 'ler*innen hat kann ich gern eidesstaatlich auf Basis meiner Erfahrungen mit ensprechendem Personen bezeugen:

Besonders wenn deren e IT-Abteilung offensichtlich Leute beschftigte () welche als "" nichtmals trivialste Wartungsaufgaben wie vergrern hinkriegen, ohne dass mensch diesen "" Schritt-fr-Schritt hndchenhaltend da durchleitet, da dessen zu gro ist um ...

Und das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs!
Weil mit so dysfunktionaler , , & knnen wir das mit der auch gleich sein lassen!!!

Cc: bmvgsocial.bund.de

Microsoft doesn't want cops using Azure AI for facial recognition

Facial recognition based on body cam footage Absolutely not ... in our cloud, says Microsoft An update to Microsoft's Azure Open AI Service code of conduct makes it clear who Redmond doesn't want using its hottest new tech: Cops.

That's ...

, performed another about to its , and then around 45% of its ...


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was then 's ...

Hacker News: Microsoft Outlook Flaw Exploited by Russia's APT28 to Hack Czech, German Entities

Giornata Mondiale contro la Pedofilia: Le Nuove Minacce Digitali e lImpegno della Polizia Postale

il 5 maggio la Giornata nazionale contro la Pedofilia e Pedopornografia. Ci confrontiamo con un panorama digitale in continua evoluzione (Viene introdotto nel della ), dove le sfide della si rinnovano e si intensificano ogni giorno.

launches new MFA authenticator-app:

Altthough there are already plenty of mobile apps that generate the multi-factor, Bitwarden has decided to create its own - and it has a pretty interesting roadmap!

The Register: Clock is ticking for NASA to fix bucket of issues before next Artemis mission

Windows: The battle for an open standard

MS vs Sun

What do we make of Apple's plan B for a down quarter that $110B buyback of shares

Plus: What our vultures thought of the US v Google trial that's wrapping up Kettle  Apple had a moderately glum first three months of the year, though the iGiant found a way to keep the most important people happy. Yes, we mean Wall St.

MLOps : Introduzione allo sviluppo di pipeline con Mlflow

Diverse statistiche dicono che tra il % e il % dei modelli di sviluppati non arrivano in produzione.

Ci spesso dovuto a una mancata del lavoro. Spesso le competenze acquisite in ambito (o su ) non sono sufficienti per mettere in piedi un intero di che verr utilizzato da migliaia di ..

A cura di Marcello Politi.

The Register: Some scientists can't stop using AI to write research papers

Wir sollten bei den Entwicklungen das Postive verstrken, was schwierig ist.

Aus meiner Sicht ist das Hauptproblem bei die berlegenheit amerikanischer -Techkonzerne , die die Entwicklungen beherrschen und im Anwendungsbereich allein schon mit ihrer Finanzmacht die Fhrung haben. Wir geben freiwillig oder gezwungen unsere Daten zu Trainingszwecken, die Renditen kassieren andere.

So sieht keine sinnvolle Technik aus, sondern unkontrollierbare Hegemonie

The Register: I can fix this PC, boss, but Ill need to play games for hours to do it


I that are going to have from ... ...

"They're" for ...

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:wolfparty: :PirateBadge::PirateBadge:

I Video della RHC Conference 2024: Potenziare le capacit dei professionisti di sicurezza nellera dellAI di Domenico Stranieri di Microsoft

Nellepoca sempre pi permeata dall , gli di devono affrontare sfide inedite e affinare le proprie per proteggere le organizzazioni dalle sofisticate tattiche di , sempre pi alimentate da strumenti basati sullIA generativa.

Frode Creata in Italia per lItalia! Phishing a tema Agenzia delle Entrate che distribuisce keylogger

Nella giornata di ieri, il - ha rilevato un sofisticato tentativo di frode che coinvolge una pagina falsa dell delle , ospitata su un precedentemente compromesso, finalizzato a infettare le vittime con un di tipo .

Test EcoFlow River 2 Pro Une station de recharge avec fonction UPS Vous tes la recherche d'une station de recharge et vous souhaitez avoir un avis complet sur l'EcoFlow River 2 Pro Lisez notre article !
The post Test EcoFlow River 2 Pro Une station de recharge avec fonction UPS first appeared on IT-Connect.

Gerade habe ich die Prsidentin des , Frau Plattner, im Radio gehrt . Es ging um die -Sicherheit.
Sie forderte Unternehmen dazu auf, mehr fr ihre zu tun. Die Systeme aktuell zu halten und gegebenenfalls vorzuhalten.
Sie sagte wirkilch gegebenenfalls

and ...!

's a ...

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: 's ...


Some decades ago, in-house at a typical federal contractor (Beltway Bandit) are well versed in the Federal Acquisition Regulation , in addition to their primary practice area. Today, though, day-to-day government contracts activities are handled by specialists (like paralegals) and corporate lawyers act as mere conduits that feed the legal work to outside law firms.

: , AI

Oracle's database family gets trendy AI makeover

Say goodbye to 23c and hello to 23ai Oracle has celebrated the general availability of its latest database upgrade by renaming it.

Relax, Google's drop in search market share in April was just an illusion

Decline shown in data from StatCounter attributed to 'anomaly' Google's share of web searches appeared to suffer an unusually large drop in April, according to StatCounter. But the metrics biz now says that's incorrect.

RHEL stays fresh with 9.4 while CentOS 7 gets a Rocky retirement plan

Meanwhile, Alma Linux gets into supercomputers Good news for users of RHEL versions old and new and for the freebie CentOS Linux 7, which is approaching its end of life next month.

Whelp, Ive reached explaining to the interns what airports were like before 9/11 old.

Kaspersky accused of helping Russia develop military drone systems

Ready, set, sanctions If volunteer intelligence gatherers are correct, the US might have a good reason to impose sanctions on Russian infosec firm Kaspersky, which has been accused of helping Russia design drones used in the Ukrainian war.

last will and testament.