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Today is a good day. One more step in the journey.

SpaceX rocketeers get fresh FAA license for next Starship launch

Authorization comes less than a month after flight 6: 'The FAA continues to increase efficiencies' The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is issuing a license authorization for the next test flight of SpaceX's Starship.

Een phishingcampagne die zich richt op auto-, chemische en industrile productiebedrijven in Duitsland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk misbruikt HubSpot om Microsoft Azure-accountgegevens te stelen.


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Malafide Visual Studio Code-extensies werden ontdekt op de VSCode-marktplaats die sterk verhulde PowerShell-payloads downloaden om ontwikkelaars en cryptovalutaprojecten te targeten in supply chain-aa...

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Hacker News: APT29 Hackers Target High-Value Victims Using Rogue RDP Servers and PyRDP

The Register: Microsoft won't let customers opt out of passkey push

ich sehe es auch als Problem, weil bspw. viele -Dienstleister ihr Geschftsmodell darauf ausrichten, dysfunktionale & defekte wie zu verkaufen weil's profitabler ist mangels besseren Wissens das hinnehmen!

Our networking team love to punish themselves!

Microsoft won't let customers opt out of passkey push

Enrolment invitations will continue until security improves Microsoft last week lauded the success of its efforts to convince customers to use passkeys instead of passwords, without actually quantifying that success.

(To be honest I should make a zine on the shitty scamming and hacking attempts I've seen or received.

Some of it is funny.
Some of it is insulting. Like... you insult my intelligence sorta thing. )

Anyone else in IT/Cybersecurity community have info to share with folks (especially during the holiday season) to help protect themselves and eachother from hacking and scams

(Clarifying any "tech jargon" while doing so would be super helpful!)

Some scammers and hackers make pretty good fake websites, fake accounts, and convincing scam shopping websites.

But there are also scammers and hackers that are so lazy AF that it's comical and I show my IT friends.

My knowledge of all these things I do IT and am working on cybersecurity job. There's too many scams to make a research paper on each type and sub type. You just see a lot of shit.

Share credible info! Listen to IT. Keep eachother safe.

How Far is it?

Trend hlt an: Umstze von Campus-Switches seit einem Jahr rcklufig

Der Umsatz mit Campus-Ethernet-Switches sinkt im dritten Quartal 2024 erneut. Gleichzeitig verzeichnen die Verkufe von Datacenter-Switches ein Hoch.

(BTW If you suspect a hack with your financials, I recommend changing your bank password, using 2FA, and if necessary, changing your pin/card.

Don't panic!
There is no shame in getting scammed or hacked.
Due to so many data breaches with so many companies, a lot of our data is out there.
The shame is *ignoring Info* that security experts are constantly sharing with the public.
"That won't happen to me."
"I'm not a computer person."
"This is stupid" etc.

Slow down and document your purchases. Use a notepad, notepad app or even a voice memo to remind yourself of when you bought what where.

And if you DO get scammed or suspect you got scammed or hacked, do damage control ASAP, not when you get around to it.
Freeze cards. Contact your bank. Open a PayPal dispute. Hell, even freeze your credit accounts. This is more important than the office Christmas party.


The Register is calling the 'Unixi-est" of desktops.

After cocking my head to the side and pondering for a moment... Yeah, that tracks. I'm not even mad. lol

It's great to see XFCE on Wayland.

I'd still put ahead of XFCE for "unixy-ness" though. FVWM has enough capabilities to be considered a "desktop" of sorts IMNSHO. Sadly, no Wayland on the horizon for FVWM.

Threat actors (scammers) ARE using AI to sound like real customer service.
Real customer service calls, the person sounds tired and like they just want to get this over with. They don't sound perky and awake this time of year.

Do a search to see if the email address is legit. (US) Government websites almost always have .gov in email/websites. Businesses will have somethingkohls.com, somethingtarget.com etc.


Hacker News: Patch Alert: Critical Apache Struts Flaw Found, Exploitation Attempts Detected

The Register: Boffins trick AI model into giving up its secrets

I don't think news articles are going deep enough into how we can protect ourselves and eachother from scams and hackers. They have some basic bitch info.

If someone calls, emails or texts you saying something is wrong with your purchase or your billing info is wrong, type in the OFFICIAL website name in the address bar and check your messages. Don't respond to these messages, especially if they feel iffy.

Try not to use public wifi for this.

FYI, holidays are 'great for scammers. Or they may just randomly target you via the 'drag net' method any day.

ALWAYS be skeptical of a Company or person who wants your personal info or financial info. Treat your personal info LIKE it is money. It essentially is to hackers and scammers.

It can happen to anyone. Keep eachother safe.

- Your somewhat friendly neighborhood IT

Boffins trick AI model into giving up its secrets

All it took to make an Google Edge TPU give up model hyperparameters was specific hardware, a novel attack technique and several days Computer scientists from North Carolina State University have devised a way to copy AI models running on Google Edge Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), as used in Google Pixel phones and third-party machine lear

Give Your Team the Gift of Training This Holiday Season!

Empower your IT team with the skills they need to stay ahead of cyber threats. Register for our February 27th Penetration Testing for IT Pros one-day virtual class and dive into the world of ethical hacking and vulnerability discovery. Taught by pentest expert , your team will learn the latest pentesting techniques, how to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, and more!


NIEDER MT IT! Wers nicht kennt sollte das DRINGEND nachholen!

New entry of AI-generated and added to our :

get on , you 's to be a !

Hacker News: HubPhish Exploits HubSpot Tools to Target 20,000 European Users for Credential Theft

The Register: AWS now renting monster HPE servers, even in clusters of 7,680-vCPUs and 128TB

Sehr geehrte Kundinnen,
Sehr geehrte Kunden,

in dieser festlichen Jahreszeit mchten wir Ihnen im Namen des gesamten Teams der DS Consulting GmbH unsere herzlichsten Weihnachtsgre senden. Wir danken Ihnen fr das Vertrauen, das Sie uns im vergangenen Jahr entgegengebracht haben, und die wertvolle Zusammenarbeit, die wir gemeinsam erleben durften.

Ab 07.01.25 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt fr Sie verfgbar!

Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

At Adfinis we do sports!

It was a pleasure to lead this people to a 5k!

Xfce 4.20 is out: Wayland support lands, but some pieces are still missing

The Unixi-est of desktops gets a wide-ranging update Comment  The new version of the longest-established Linux desktop is here, and at last, it's possible to use Wayland although not everything works yet.

OH: Some people mistake geniality and the inability to write readable code.

Hacker News: Not Your Old ActiveState: Introducing our End-to-End OS Platform

The Register: US airspace closures, lack of answers deepen East Coast drone mystery

We told Post Office about system problems at the highest level, Fujitsu tells Horizon Inquiry

State-owned retail company was not subordinate to Japanese multinational in technical matters, legal rep says Fujitsu has said it continually told the Post Office about problems with Horizon, the computer system at the center of one of the UK's widest miscarriages of justice, as its client prosec

Kwetsbaarheid in BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access Verholpen
Het Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum (NCSC) heeft een kwetsbaarheid gedentificeerd en opgelost in de BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Acce...

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tipo, comunidades br ainda sao poucas.. infelizmente..
Mas estao vindo..tenta o
Tem as mais recentes criadas
Eu realmente recomendo criar as suas,se no achar uma..eu te dou uma fora la.
Tudo pra desbancar o lixo do reddit

Is this week over yet Looking for being on annual leave for the next couple of weeks!

New South Wales