
Leitung (m/w/d) des Referats -Dienste (E13

Leitung (m/w/d) des Referats -Dienste (E13 TV-L, unbefristet) an der Universittsbibliothek Kiel kieluni gesucht:
Bewerbungsfrist: 21.09.

and GNU / paved the way for a career shift, and I embarked on a journey.

Jean Tomzs love of games led him to discover and Linux Professional Institute (LPI) certification, opening doors to a successful career working in and teaching - with experience in , , and more.

Read his story, and change yours next with :

( )

Is : , yet ...

iPhone, iPad Mac! iOS 16.6.1 macOS Ventura 13.5.2

Hacker News: Mirai Botnet Variant 'Pandora' Hijacks Android TVs for Cyberattacks

The Register: Microsoft: China stole secret key that unlocked US govt email from crash debug dump

Full-time Junior Software Engineer (m/f/d) at Wikimedia Deutschland

Xiaomi Mi Box S .

... ... ... ...

is in ...

's ... in ...

And, ...

Google Chrome


Hacker News: Mac Users Beware: Malvertising Campaign Spreads Atomic Stealer macOS Malware

The Register: Scared of flying Good news! Software glitches keep aircraft on the ground

Attacco informatico allitaliana Omniatel rivendicato da Noescape. 360GB pronti alla pubblicazione tra 9gg

Poco fa, la banda di di , rivendica allinterno del proprio Data Leak Site () un allitaliana OmniaTel.

Monobank 180+ , -

iPhone 15 :

... but, with a ...

... 's , with an :

ReToot or,

might ...

Which is ...

Laltro lato della sicurezza informatica: stress e burnout sono by design negli esperti di settore

Spesso parliamo di e dellimportanza oggi di un completo . Oggi invece ci concentreremo nellanalizzare una altro punto importante nella professione dell di : lo .

Hacker News: The State of the Virtual CISO Report: MSP/MSSP Security Strategies for 2024

The Register: Toyota servers ran out of storage, crashed production at 14 plants in Japan


(and 's a ) you're with your 's

But, (and 's another ) you want to our I'm sure, and I will be to you (and Heidi being her )

, we can all some of our

's just a

to , maybe...

Nothing can make an IT recruiter freeze as stone cold, and run as far away from you, as this phrase:

"4-Day Work Week"

Nella Regione Lazio la sperimentazione del sistema di allarme, con il coinvolgimento diretto di tutti i cittadini, prevista per il giorno 21 settembre 2023 verso le ore 12.00. 

IT-Alert, sistema di allarme pubblico FASE TEST Lazio, gioved 21 settembre 2023
#21 settembre evidenza -Alert

: Huawei

Zainspirowany wpisem ( ) zainstalowaem sobie feedera i dodaem par linkw. Ale poniewa ja generalnie niewiele siedz na stronach internetowych, to chtnie si dowiem, co tam sami ledzicie i co warto doda, gwnie z kategorii itp

Have you ever used Git "bisect" to find the commit that introduced a bug


's , you be or about ...

I can we ... and I have been ...

I said what I said.

Toyota 1.3
Toyota 13,000
The post Toyota 1.3 appeared first on unwire.hk .

iPhone 15

heise+ Wie sich Ansible Rulebooks richtig einsetzen lassen

Den Ausfhrungszeitpunkt von Ansible Playbooks bestimmt ein Admin. Mit Event-Driven Ansible reagiert das Ansible-kosystem auf bestimmte Ereignisse automatisch.

I bought myself a socket power usage meter to track how much power i use and how much it costs. :awoowiggle:

My home server (Small Mercusys switch, 2 RPis + SSD Drive) has a 13 Watt power draw.
When Im charging my laptop with my Thinkpad Dock it goes to 38 Watt. I wonder how high it was when i still used to own a gaming PC with a 1440p 144Hz monitor and another 1080p one.

Being mindful of energy consumption is pretty cool and a good practice overall :blobcatwink:

#selfhosting #homelab #raspberrypi #sysadmin #IT

Holy shit. Event those that build AD, Outlook, Windows must admit they are unable to make it safe to use.

According to , "a single core dump from development" was enough to leak the Keys we are all talking about. That can only mean: Microsoft's corp net is as bugged and compromised as all their customers' ones.

Of course they are, is that a surprise But why do people trust such vendors

Computer Scientists, the 'Computer Experts', and Those Who 'Know a Thing or Two' - Part 1: The Average Joe

Written in 2006, while some tech details might be dated, this article's humorous take on IT 'experts' remains evergreen.

Hacker News: Alert: Apache SuperSet Vulnerabilities Expose Servers to Remote Code Execution Attacks

The Register: SAP user group calls for support deadline reprieve amid hospital billing worries

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