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: <<Sings-Like-Depeche-Dood...>> "The grabbing hands... Grab all they can..."

's ...

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: "Any chance of SSG complying with anytime soon... We've all been waiting a very, very long time..."


's ...

From the series: wisdom for today.

Onbekende aanvallers hebben een nieuw ontdekte backdoor genaamd Msupedge ingezet op een universiteitssysteem met Windows in Taiwan, waarschijnlijk door misbruik te maken van een recentelijk gepatcht...

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: "Any chance of SSG complying with anytime soon... We've all been waiting a very, very long time..."

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Find out how far it is between any two cities.

Volgens gebruikersrapporten na de Patch Tuesday van deze maand, zorgen de Windows-updates van augustus 2024 ervoor dat dual-boot systemen met Linux niet meer opstarten wanneer Secure Boot is ingesch...

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: "Has the "House of Forgotten How to Spell Honour" finally stopped crying about everything..."

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Hacker News: Thousands of Oracle NetSuite Sites at Risk of Exposing Customer Information

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: <<Sings-Like-Depeche-Dood...>> "All I ever wanted... All I ever needed... Is here... In my arms..."

: 's ...

The Register: PostgreSQL in line for DuckDB-shaped boost in analytics arena

Hacker News: Researchers Uncover TLS Bootstrap Attack on Azure Kubernetes Clusters

The Register: Plane-tracking app admits user passwords, SSNs exposed for over 3 years

Companies have largely overestimated their cyber resilience capabilities, and are mostly unable to maintain their own business recovery goals when confronted by ransomware or other malicious attack.

: 2024

! Timeweb Cloud . 24/7/365. . , . , , . , , .

..... cause dealt me this today

I shouldn't have posted this today.... ......

Hacker News: Anatomy of an Attack

The Register: Missing scissors cause 36 flight cancellations in Japan

De Amerikaanse regering waarschuwt voor een verhoogde inspanning van Iran om invloed uit te oefenen op de komende verkiezingen door middel van cyberoperaties gericht op presidentile campagnes en he...

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Eight Vulnerabilities in Microsofts macOS Apps. :appleinc:

Including Teams, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, OneNote and Excel. That could allow an attacker to gain access to a users microphone, camera, folders, screen recording, user input and more.

Hacker News: Hackers Exploit PHP Vulnerability to Deploy Stealthy Msupedge Backdoor

The Register: Microsoft closes Windows 11 upgrade loophole in latest Insider build

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: "The House of Forgotten How to Spell Honour - "... come for the spelling and punctuation stay for the racist, homophobic, sexist tantrums..." - I read it in the Fediverse...



... Of ...



... ...!

Have the at complied with , yet

: "Cha-Ching: Massive Pile of Silver Scraps...! Thanks ..."


's ...

Hacker News: Iranian Cyber Group TA453 Targets Jewish Leader with New AnvilEcho Malware

The Register: Sorry, Moxie. Blaming Agile for software stagnation puts the wrong villain in the wrong play



: "It's ... Also ..."

Has SSG complied with , yet

's ...

I think a or similar solution is what I need. Ideally user-space using standard tools tools. If it's some custom download or requires lots of config (or network hardware mods) then I might as well go right to

It's a temp hack to show value before we make a permanent change



: <<Sings-Like-Beyonc-Dood...>> "This ain't Texas..."

Has SSG complied with , yet

's ...



: <<Sings-Like-Beyonc-Dood...>> "This ain't Texas..."

Have the at complied with , yet



: "The House of Forgotten How to Spell Honour - "... come for the spelling and punctuation stay for the racist, homophobic, sexist tantrums..." - I read it in the Fedismurf..."

Have the at complied with , yet


many IT people (including me) believe that the boom around A.I. will take a similar or even the Crypto-Currency. But how long will the hype last in order to beg for money through hope by selling hopes to investors who do the same

Artificial Intelligence What comes after the AI crash
The end of the boom wont end generative AIs harms

Hacker News: Blind Eagle Hackers Exploit Spear-Phishing to Deploy RATs in Latin America

The Register: Raspberry Pi 5 slims down for cut-price 2 GB RAM version

Der "britische Tech Milliardr", der vermisst wird, heit Mike Lynch. Die gesunkene Jacht gehrt ihm Und hie "Bayesian". Reich geworden ist er mit der Firma "Autonomy" die Pattern Matching mit "Bayesian Inference" betrieb. 2011 wurde Autonomy an HP verkauft und ging ein. Lynch wurde des Betrugs beschuldigt, an die USA ausgeliefert, im Mrz 2024 vor gericht gestellt und im juni 2024 freigesprochen. Seit 2013 betreibt er die CyberSecurity firma DarkTrace.

My ISP only provides me with a public IPv6 prefix, but not with an IPv4. So if I want to connect to my home network via WireGuard, the network I am connected to must be IPv6 capable unfortunately, a lot of them aren't.

So I was wondering, is there a way for me to create some sort of tunnel I can set up on my VPS (that has a static IPv4 and an IPv6) so that I can connect to my VPS via IPv4 and the VPS then connects to my home network via IPv6 and I can access it even from networks that only support IPv4. Sounds like that should be doable, I am just not entirely sure how.

Afbeelding: Midjourney
De beruchte Noord-Koreaanse Lazarus-hackgroep heeft een zero-day zwakte in de Windows AFD.sys driver uitgebuit om privileges te verhogen en de FUDModule rootkit te installeren...

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looking for a job in
fresh out of school, two months at Olympic High in NC

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